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Example sentences for "appraisingly"

Lexicographically close words:
appraisement; appraiser; appraisers; appraises; appraising; appreciable; appreciably; appreciate; appreciated; appreciates
  1. Macnooder looked appraisingly at Hippo, whom Nature had destined to play at center rush, to be mauled and cuffed and suffocated under scores of scuffing, struggling bodies.

  2. His eyes traveled appraisingly over sofa cushions, picture frames, knitted neckties and flags that represent those select institutions where young ladies are finished off.

  3. Cappy Ricks slid out to the edge of his chair, placed one hand on each knee, and appraisingly eyed his son-in-law over the rims of his glasses.

  4. The old gentleman was sitting rigidly erect on the extreme edge of his chair; in his hand he held a typewritten statement with a column of figures on it, and he eyed Joey very appraisingly over the rims of his spectacles.

  5. The girl's eyes ran appraisingly over the worn clothes and the cracking and dusty shoes.

  6. He glowered appraisingly at the intruder.

  7. Mrs. Strong's eyes swept the tall figure approaching appraisingly and apparently was pleased with his aspect.

  8. Compelled to halt, she looked at him both appraisingly and resentfully.

  9. Henry, small, lean, knowing, never had remitted his shrewd gaze fixed appraisingly upon her.

  10. Her old eyes ran appraisingly over the faces of that assemblage.

  11. In recall Selina saw Cousin Maria now, too, comely like Auntie, surveying her capably and appraisingly as she welcomed her, had she and Auntie gone.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appraisingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.