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Example sentences for "arrogating"

Lexicographically close words:
arrogant; arrogantly; arrogate; arrogated; arrogates; arrondissement; arrondissements; arrove; arrow; arrowe
  1. The Parliament is now arrogating to itself every day a larger share of the functions of the Privy Council.

  2. Instead of arrogating to themselves despotic power, they acknowledged allegiance to the senate.

  3. You, then, from obedience to Jehovah, rejected Jesus as an impostor, and considered him as arrogating to himself Divine honor, and finally put him to death.

  4. He preaches humility and meekness, and soon we perceive him arrogating divine honors, and calling those, who came before him, robbers and thieves.

  5. And if there were nothing else that bewrayed their madnesse; yet that very arrogating such inspiration to themselves, is argument enough.

  6. And in no place was the negro made to feel the prejudice against his color more gallingly than in churches arrogating the name of Christian.

  7. You see how he accuses Themistocles of disingenuity in arrogating to himself the counsel of Mnesiphilus.

  8. Go as an apostle unto Pharaoh and those who are with him; for he hath acted with exceeding impiety by arrogating to himself divinity.

  9. He knew, with shame, how her father had been a man without arrogating any authority.

  10. This daring violation of the laws requires the more attention, as it is by a foreigner clothed with a public character, arrogating an unfounded right to admiralty jurisdiction, and probably meaning to assert it by this act of force.

  11. The latter arrogating to itself a supremacy in theological matters, regarding itself as arbiter in all matters of doctrinal speculation, acquired the authority which the Inquisition lost.

  12. For his outstanding argument is that the clergy have been narrowing that conception by arrogating to themselves a position and powers which belong to the whole community.

  13. And he would not be told, when he was about to exercise this right, that he was arrogating to himself all the powers of Government.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrogating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.