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Example sentences for "artis"

Lexicographically close words:
artillerists; artillery; artilleryman; artillerymen; artiodactyls; artisan; artisans; artist; artiste; artistes
  1. Some suppose they are the 'libri artis rhetoricae' (i.

  2. In the year 1610 another collection of alchymistical tracts was published at Basil, in three volumes, under the title of “Artis Auriferæ quam Chemiam vocant volumina tria.

  3. In his small treatise De Mirabili Potestate Artis et Naturæ, he begins by pointing out the absurdity of believing in magic, necromancy, charms, or any of those similar opinions which were at that time universally prevalent.

  4. The following table exhibits a list of his numerous writings, most of which are to be found in the Theatrum Chemicum, the Artis Auriferæ, or the Biblotheca Chemica.

  5. Primus in his facem prætulit Beccherus; eumque magno cum artis progressu sequentem videmus in ostendenda corporum analysi et synthesi chymica versatissimum et acutissimum--Stahlium.

  6. In the course of his excavations Artis discovered a singular furnace,[3147] “of which I have never before or since met with an example.

  7. In regard to the technique of these wares, Artis notes that the indented patterns were made while the vase was “as pliable as it could be taken from the lathe”; for the barbotine the thumb or a rounded instrument was employed.

  8. Artis as a circular hole 3 to 4 feet deep and 4 feet in diameter, walled round to a height of 2 feet; the praefurnium was about a foot in length.

  9. Several inscriptions found in Germany speak of negotiatores artis cretariae, and may be assumed to refer to what we should call “commercial travellers“ or “agents” for the sale of the finer wares.

  10. In the kilns of Castor (see below) Artis thought that he detected contrivances for this purpose; but it is now generally agreed that the glaze is artificial, not natural.

  11. A Latin translation of his works will be found in Medicae Artis Principes (Stephanus).

  12. But Mr. Artis would not hear of this, and strongly advised Clare to discard all ideas of hiring himself out as a labourer, as it would stand in the way of his appointment to a more honourable place.

  13. However, Artis mentioned the subject at the dinner table, where it was attentively listened to by all assembled, especially the worthy head-cook.

  14. But his friends at Milton Park, Artis and Henderson, would not hear of this resolution, and got quite angry at the mere mentioning of the subject.

  15. At Milton Park they heard of it, and Artis and Henderson hurried to Helpston to look after their friend.

  16. Mr. Edward Artis was, as usual, away on his antiquarian rambles, intending to leave the service of Earl Fitzwilliam altogether, and devote himself to authorship on Durobrivae and Roman pottery.

  17. The printer's name is John Trechsel, who is described as vir hujus artis solertissimus.

  18. In addition to this he wrote Compendium Philosophiae, De mirabili Potestate artis et naturae, Specula mathematica, Speculum alchemicum, and other works.

  19. Caput artis est, decere quod facias=--The chief thing in any art you may practise is that you do only the one you are fit for.

  20. Docti rationem artis intelligunt, indocti voluptatem=--The learned understand the principles of art, the unlearned feel the pleasure only.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "artis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    artistic expression; artistic merit; artistic point; artistic work