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Example sentences for "asile"

Lexicographically close words:
ashy; asi; aside; asides; asiento; asimismo; asin; asini; asinine; asino
  1. When the doors of the Asile de Nuit were closed to them, Strickland and Captain Nichols sought the hospitality of Tough Bill.

  2. The Cuillere de Soupe and the Asile de Nuit were both closed to them, and their only sustenance was the wedge of bread which the Bouchee de Pain provided.

  3. How he had passed the intervening months I do not know, but life must have been very hard, for Captain Nichols saw him first in the Asile de Nuit.

  4. The Asile de Nuit is a large stone building where pauper and vagabond may get a bed for a week, provided their papers are in order and they can persuade the friars in charge that they are workingmen.

  5. Our route for the glacière followed the high road which leads by the Asile de Marchairuz to La Vallée, as far as the well-known Châlet de la S.

  6. Georges, a grammatical anomaly which puzzles a stranger descending the southernmost slope of the Jura from the Asile de Marchairuz.

  7. There is little to be seen in the Asile des Aliénées; but that little is so important that we decided to go there.

  8. They accepted the kind invitation and accepted the charge of a home for old people and neglected children of the city, at the Asile St. Antoine provided by M.

  9. It was known as Salle d’ Asile St. Joseph, but was ultimately closed, because its proximity to the railroad made it dangerous for the small children who came there to school.

  10. C'est ici l'asile du sommeil `eternel," was the republican inscription over all the public cemeteries.

  11. One of the best is the Asile Michelet, founded in 1893 by the Assistance Publique de Paris.

  12. We give asile to all such as pay us for it," said the woman.

  13. The roitelets, those heralds of bad weather, were flying around the houses seeking asile from the storm, and on the third day snow fell.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "asile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.