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Example sentences for "bargen"

Lexicographically close words:
bargee; bargees; bargello; bargeman; bargemen; barges; bargin; barging; baric; baril
  1. September, 1862, when Major Clement was in command of the Eleventh Regiment and was desperately wounded.

  2. And we gave him a peece black satten gratis, as we promised at bargen making; the wall being 50 tattamis long and vj tatt.

  3. Semi Dono sent to comand me I should make noe bargen nore buy nothing of any other Japonnars for provition of building of howse or shiping or victuling, but only of them of Firando.

  4. Adames and Mansho the jurebasso are witnesses at bargen making, and as I set it downe in my book.

  5. The agreement or bargen he had brought a draught of, with a list of ther names ther too annexed, drawne by the best counsell of law they could get, to make it firme.

  6. We never agreed with him for any wages, nor made any bargen at all with him, neither know of any that you have made.

  7. Leaving Volmar a shrunken heap in his chair, and being fully assured that Bargen would be no more troubled with him, I made my way to Mynheer Warmond's house.

  8. He caught up a long chain of bag-puddings, such as had not been seen in Bargen for many a day, and cast it in a merry sport about his neck, as it were insignia of his office.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bargen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.