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Example sentences for "bargin"

Lexicographically close words:
bargello; bargeman; bargemen; bargen; barges; barging; baric; baril; barilla; barin
  1. That i won't hanker for happiness, but if i see enny that i think iz a bargin i will shut up one eye and go for it.

  2. See sketch I made a bargin with the Chief who has more horses than all the village besides for 2 horses.

  3. We purchased a Canoe from an Indian today for Six fathoms of white wampom; he Seemed Satisfied with his bargin and departed in another Canoe but Shortly after returned and canseled the bargain, took his canoe and returned the beeds.

  4. Indians seemed quite as well pleased with their bargin as I was.

  5. Shabono made a bargin with one of the Indian men going with us, for a horse for Which he gave his Shirt.

  6. Albert had gave him and Mike sed not by a dom site a bargin was a bargin and J.

  7. Albert sed he dident bargin for a dog to eet breckfast dinner and supper off of him and old Mike sed he asted for a dog that woodent let enybody into the house and he got one.

  8. There's not much chance o' makin' a bargin vith him.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bargin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.