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Example sentences for "beamingly"

Lexicographically close words:
beame; beamed; beamer; beames; beaming; beamless; beams; beamy; bean; beand
  1. In the hall Mrs. Cunningham herself came beamingly to greet her.

  2. When their train came along Aunt Cyrilla established herself in one seat and her basket in another, and looked beamingly around her at her fellow travellers.

  3. To-day the discovery of the footstools and Edith's engagement seemed to her to be touching examples of the care of Providence, and she was beamingly conscious of the variety of pleasant objects and topics in the world.

  4. I asked, beamingly "It's slang for 'a great fellow.

  5. Yes," she beamingly rejoined, "that's what I told the Lieutenant.

  6. Madame Napoli waddled beamingly over to her and offered her a morning paper.

  7. She hung up and turned beamingly to Clancy.

  8. It will be a wild dissipation for the dear old girl to stay in an hotel, and she does enjoy herself so beamingly when she is out for a holiday that it's a pleasure to behold her.

  9. Miss Peggy reclined against a background of cushions, beamingly conscious of a transformation so complete as to be positively startling to behold.

  10. Father Minor beamingly faced Squire Futrell, whose Southern Methodism was of the most rigid and unbendable type.

  11. Dorothea reviewed it as she changed into her white pique' for dinner, the while beamingly advising Jennie as to the selection of hair ribbons.

  12. Beamingly Dorothea heard Amiel humorously contrast this brown glory with her own short crop.

  13. Beamingly she fell into the plans for the crabbing party that afternoon.

  14. Little Dixie, wedged in between Miss Bayley and the stage-driver, looked up beamingly at first one and then the other.

  15. She wondered why they all looked so beamingly happy.

  16. He smiled at her beamingly as he said: "Another bit of good news is that tomorrow I may get up.

  17. There seems to be nothing to do here," beamingly Miss Wiggin said.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beamingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.