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Example sentences for "becose"

Lexicographically close words:
becomingly; becomingness; becommeth; becomming; becos; becoss; becoz; becum; becuz; bed
  1. Well, becose there's a better view there," replied the sexton.

  2. The little woman said to me, "Bless yo, there is at thinks we need'n nought, becose we keepen a daycent eawtside.

  3. He says he was not puting me in becose I was bad but becose I was not brot upright.

  4. I can't stan fer him to be in that ole hole becose it aint fair.

  5. Billy Is going to sell his vegertables becose he wants to buy a new sending set for his wireless.

  6. Barbara wears middy bloses, too, but she cannot wear bloomers becose she is too old though she does not look old or grownup.

  7. I say good-night to a big bright star becose I pretend that star is shining down where you are writing somewhere and maybe will tell you that your little girl is saying goodnight.

  8. I wish I could see you becose I would like to ask you many questions about when I was a little girl.

  9. Peggy is going to try and win the medal this year, and Barbara says she will becose she swims so well.

  10. I am sure you will know where he is becose you are the President of our Country.

  11. I would like to know, too, very much where he is becose it is lonesome without him, for my father is the only family I have.

  12. He is working for the Stars and Stripes somewhere, he said he could not tell me where becose it was a secret.

  13. I shall try and not be afraid becose I am sure you would be ashamed of me if I acted frightened.

  14. Vay hunger--no wadder; an' cannot rob dissa merchan' becose he dead!

  15. Ey hate yo becose yung Ruchot Assheton loves yo--an becose yo ha better luck i' aw things than ey have, or con expect to have.

  16. Ey hate yo because yo are neaw lunger my sister--becose yo 're a grand ledy's dowter, an a grand ledy yersel.

  17. Becose I should like to dee a member of th' owd place.

  18. Bank Holidays are the happiest days of your life, becose you can do nearly what you like, and the perlice don't take no notice of you.

  19. I'm very sorry for them all round, becose it is a shame for to see.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "becose" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.