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Example sentences for "beery"

Lexicographically close words:
beene; beens; beer; beere; beerhouse; bees; beest; beestes; beeswax; beet
  1. But, Sir, my beery and abusive friends are both wrong.

  2. Out in the bar, where waiters came rushing bearing trays of empty glasses to presently rushingly retire loaded to the beery guards, sat Paul Kelly and a select bevy.

  3. He made a note that poor beery Tumpany should have half a sovereign on the morrow, when he was sober.

  4. From without resounded the deep, beery voice of Drummer Jack, "Death and destruction!

  5. I simply made up my mind that the varlet on my right, whose dirty claws and beery breath were sickening me, should have the direst of drubbings before the day was out.

  6. Such as were old and ugly declared off-hand that I was indisputably ripe for the gallows, but a younger one with saucy eyes and cherry-red cheeks blew a kiss, and called out to beery breath to deal gentlier with me.

  7. The husband was a thorough-paced beery Philistine, his spouse a fat, stolid person in a high black silk.

  8. Into the arbour of "Monstrosities" some one had pushed the beery Philistine landlord and his corpulent wife, where they kissed and caressed each other to order, in full view of the company, who applauded vociferously.

  9. It wasna an ill w'y to beery fowk, nor an ill place to gang til, for they aye biggit up the skelf, ye ken.

  10. But what for didna they beery their deid mensefulike i' their kirkyairds?

  11. It's the storm may come on again waur nor ever, and mak it impossible to beery her for a month!

  12. He took kindly to it, as all do who have been dietetic sinners, and the result was the same as with the beery and bleery tramp mentioned in the early part of this chapter.

  13. My tramps were beery and bleery as tramps generally are, but not so dirty; for I paid for baths, washing, and in some instances furnished clothing.

  14. Bennett went to examine the Manchester mill, brought back a confused and beery notion of it, and, proceeding with the job, got into the most hopeless bewilderment.

  15. He's a terribly beery old man, and he wipes his nose on his sleeve.

  16. A few there were who looked like decent artizans, but more who bore the unmistakable aspect of the beery out-of-work.

  17. There were others in a more advanced stage of "fancy" existence--men with all the humanity blotted out of them, not a spark of intellect left in their beery countenances.

  18. You cannot turn a corner without coming upon some of those beefy and beery countenances which symbolize so perfectly the genius of British civilization, and hearing the letter H exasperated to a wonderful degree.

  19. Prince, a beery look in his eye, a foreign accent on his tongue.

  20. This prince of scamps and wanderer among the beery precincts of pot-houses happened to stroll one night, accompanied by two choice spirits (and himself full of spirits) into a disreputable coffee-house near Charing Cross.

  21. I'm afraid you couldn't keep your head erect, et cetera, if the enemy was potting bullets into that beery corporation of yours.

  22. The unseemly noise was so bad that it roused the corporal, "Beery Bob," out of his usual heavy sleep.

  23. He was introduced to a barrack-room where twenty men lived under the rule of a red-nosed corporal nicknamed "Beery Bob.

  24. Night after night in some drinking room in some part of London or other is a beery audience told-- "Creeping where no life doth be, A rare old plant is the lively flea.

  25. It does seem hard that people on board river steamers may drink to excess, and thus prove a nuisance to all who are not as beery as themselves.

  26. By the beery dissipated crowd outside, I say, this obvious fact had been lost sight of.

  27. It was necessary to convince this beery intruder of his grievous error in taking Professor Thunder' celebrated Missing Link, Mahdi, from the tangled jungles of Darkest Africa, for a cheap fake.

  28. His beery doubts seemed to fly before this animal attack, and when he realised that he was being bitten and clawed mercilessly, he howled for help at the top of his voice.

  29. He pressed more closely to the bars, and peered at Nickie with a critical, if somewhat beery eye, and the Missing Link posed languidly in a monkey attitude.

  30. Where the silken ankles and the glittering eyes, the kisses and the flutes, the beery laughter and the delirious leg shaking?

  31. I delight in beef stews, limericks, burlesque shows, New York City and the music of Haydn, that beery and delightful old rascal!

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.