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Example sentences for "before taking"

  • Before taking up the mutton, make your sauce, using as a base a cupful of the liquor dipped from the pot.

  • Dredge once with flour fifteen minutes before taking up the roast and when this browns, rub all over with a tablespoonful of butter.

  • Turn them twice more, at intervals of five minutes, cover, and let them steam four minutes before taking them up.

  • Before taking it from the fire, put a cupful of boiling water in a saucepan.

  • Before taking up, stir in a heaping tablespoonful of butter, a little salt, a handful of chopped parsley, and thicken slightly with flour previously wet in cold milk.

  • Before taking up, and when they are breaking to pieces, drain off half the water, and pour in a cupful of milk.

  • Before taking it I was almost an invalid, could not walk any distance and suffered pain all the time.

  • I weighed one hundred and twenty pounds before taking it and now I weigh one hundred and forty-five.

  • Before taking it, I suffered with my head and pains in my back and when I had my changes I suffered agony, could hardly stand on my feet.

  • Before taking them I used to have a continuous headache, would be very dizzy, would have spells when everything seemed strange, and I would not know where I was.

  • Illustration: The House in the Tree Pitchford] Before taking leave of Pitchford, we pass out into the grounds to visit the so-called House in the Tree.

  • A climb to the summit of the great tower is rewarded by a capital coup d'oeil of the castle and its pleasant environs; so now, before taking leave of this interesting spot, let us travel back for a moment into the domain of history.

  • Before taking leave of this writ we may note that, dealing as it does with Suffolk, it is addressed to Earl Ralf as Earl, not merely of Norfolk, but of East Anglia.

  • Before taking leave of Regenbald, we may glance at one of the Domesday entries relating to his lands.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "before taking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    are not; before alluded; before coming; before daybreak; before death; before going; before his; before mentioned; before noted; before noticed; before reaching; before related; before serving; before the; before they; before thou; before using; before very; before you; before you haue heard; hold together; love letter; remember well; throat black; too late; trees planted