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Example sentences for "dealing"

Lexicographically close words:
dealer; dealers; deales; dealest; dealeth; dealings; deall; deals; dealt; deam
  1. The kind of boy whom chaplains, however tender-hearted, and however skilful in their modes of dealing with other men and boys, would regard as hopeless, as past any chance of reform.

  2. I believe that just dealing will win the confidence of the upland Dyaks.

  3. He should have considered that he was dealing with a creature of flesh and blood, a woman with youth, and beauty, and passion.

  4. Common sense and a little elemental justice go a long, long way in dealing with savages," he observed.

  5. They do not realize that they are dealing with a most subtle psychological question.

  6. During a recent visit to India this became apparent to Mr. Phipps, who is eminently a practical man, and has been in the habit of dealing with industrial questions all of his life.

  7. Thus far we have been dealing with parts of the sun that may be seen and photographed under all ordinary conditions.

  8. Hours, minutes, and seconds are aliquot parts of this unit convenient for use in dealing with shorter periods than a day, and the week, month, and year which we use in our calendars are multiples of the day.

  9. An admirably illustrated but expensive work dealing mainly with the topography and physical conditions of the moon.

  10. Any freshness they may have they must owe to the rhetorical powers of particular preachers, and even these cannot greatly vary in dealing with so familiar a theme.

  11. This book, dealing with the courting of birds, how they fight and mimic, and moult and blush, is one of the most fascinating we have read for some time.

  12. Miss Herbert's light, breezy style in dealing with the humours of camp life is highly entertaining.

  13. You must not dawdle about this; sharp is the word, when dealing with snakes, and they have as much respect for firm and kind treatment as contempt for timidity and irresolution.

  14. An Illustrated Series of Monographs dealing with Contemporary Musical Life, and including Representatives of all Branches of the Art.

  15. But in these cases we are dealing with intricate phenomena of heredity, in which a microscopic cell (the sperm-cell of the father or the egg-cell of the mother) transmits certain features to offspring.

  16. During the last thirty years an extensive literature has appeared dealing with the new system of ethics which has been raised on the basis of modern science--especially evolutionary science.

  17. Anyone dealing with the adversaries' cards must be corrected before the play of the first card, otherwise the deal stands good.

  18. Each player deals in his turn; the order of dealing goes to the left.

  19. The story is a strong one, dealing only with actual events.

  20. The soft plan of dealing with Germany's war cost was championed by Secretary Daniels.

  21. The Naval Interallied Commission of Control will represent the Governments of the principal Allied and Associated Powers in dealing with the German Government in all matters concerning the execution of the naval clauses.

  22. It is therefore no longer possible to conduct industry by dealing with employees as individuals.

  23. It will edit and publish in French and English, and in such other languages as the governing body may think desirable, a periodical paper dealing with problems of industry and employment of international interest.

  24. Each of the Allied or Associated Powers reserves the right to treat as void and of no effect any transfer in whole or in part of or other dealing with rights of or in respect of industrial, literary or artistic property effected after Aug.

  25. The Military Interallied Commission of Control will represent the Governments of the principal Allied and Associated Powers in dealing with the German Government in all matters concerning the execution of the military clauses.

  26. Parliamentary legislation of a most radical character dealing with the ownership and operation of coal mines was passed.

  27. A novel and important work dealing with a subject of great public as well as medical interest.

  28. So I do not feel that I need to apologize for adding another volume to the shelves of works dealing with the marvels of the miracle-mongers.

  29. Her bare arms and shoulders presented a tempting target for the death-dealing reptile whose anger she had aroused.

  30. Of all his inventions, it is doubtful whether any one of them has called forth more original thought, work, perseverance, ingenuity, and monumental patience than the one we are now dealing with.

  31. From time to time further suggestions were made, some in patents, and others in photographic and scientific publications, all dealing with the fascinating thought of preserving and representing actual scenes and events.

  32. Edison's remarkable patience and persistence in dealing with this trying problem and in finally solving it successfully won for him more than ordinary admiration from his associates.

  33. All this rough-and-ready dealing with grades and curves was not mere horse-play, but had a serious purpose underlying it, every trip having its record as to some feature of defect or improvement.

  34. The clever salesman might almost be said to use teaching in dealing with his customer, and all of us to be teachers of one another in daily intercourse.

  35. Because of this cheerful interest in flowers, and this ingenious skill in dealing with them, the man himself is interesting.

  36. He sees precisely the thing he is dealing with.

  37. In saying this I would not be understood to defend the method of dealing with absences which has for some years been practised at Harvard.

  38. In their case, as in dealing with human beings, he felt it wise to bear in mind the limit and to respect the foreordained.

  39. For this reason he issued a 'Statement' in pamphlet form, entitled Scottish Philosophy, the Old and the New, dealing with the matter at length.

  40. Few exercises could be more strange than first to read the account of Scottish life in one of the immortal novels by Scott dealing with last century, and then to turn to Miss Ferrier or Galt, depicting a period not so very different.

  41. The address was on purely general topics, dealing mainly with the objects of the Institution, then somewhat of a novelty.

  42. This error has been already pointed out in dealing with Erdmann[155], and need only be briefly repeated here.

  43. But the question of the subjective or objective nature of space may be left wholly out of account during the course of this discussion, which will gain by dealing exclusively with logical, as opposed to psychological points of view.

  44. This is subject, in spherical space, to the modification pointed out below, in dealing with the exception to the axiom of the straight line.

  45. Hence our definition of the measure of curvature will only be really free from reference to the third dimension, when we are dealing with a surface of constant measure of curvature--a point which Riemann entirely overlooks.

  46. We saw again, in dealing with measurement, how space must be regarded as infinitely divisible, and yet as mere relativity.

  47. They say’ is next door to a lie,” was one of the sententious sayings that silenced anecdotes dealing with village characters and doings.

  48. From the mighty mass of correspondence I select letters dealing with topics of general interest, or that seem to call for free and friendly discussion, and base upon them daily articles for the Syndicate public.

  49. Such things would not do in dealing with Cubans.

  50. Concha announced his intention of dealing summarily with the offenders, as a warning to others who might contemplate an invasion of Cuba.

  51. They enjoy the illustrious distinction of fair, honest dealing with the aborigines, the natural owners of the lands.

  52. I saw our own New-England Dealing blows for Truth and Right, And the grandeur of her purpose Gave her eyes a sacred light; Ah!

  53. Those sheets are the draft of a short story, dealing with such a position--but not for publication.

  54. And the importance of dealing rightly with these powers is readily perceived if we reflect that conduct is the greater part of human life, which is a life of thought and love, of hope and faith, of imagination and desire.

  55. Froude, for whom he had a real liking, took a high tone in his project of measures for dealing with bishops and clergy, which must have shocked and scandalized him considerably.

  56. To these must be added the unscientific way of dealing with lies:--viz.

  57. A discovery so unexpected, and the fear of being accused of unfair dealing filled him with consternation, and covered him with confusion, so much so, that every one saw his emotion.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dealing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.