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Example sentences for "absences"

Lexicographically close words:
abscissae; abscond; absconded; absconding; absence; absens; absent; absente; absented; absentee
  1. Probably it was written by fits and starts; and grew but very gradually into shape, making its greatest progress during its writer’s visits to Chessington, or in the leisure procured during her father’s two absences on the continent.

  2. She had begun to work upon another novel; and her long absences from home seriously interfered with its progress.

  3. Whatever happened on her absences from him, as soon as the four walls of the room shut them in again, she was his; and each time she returned, a burning gratitude for the reprieve filled him anew.

  4. I recollected what old Mrs. Mivart had told me of her daughter's erratic movements; of her short mysterious absences with her dressing-bag and without a maid.

  5. Her absences were frequent, and she appeared to sometimes make long and mysterious journeys in various directions, while her days at home were usually spent in the solitude of her own room.

  6. I had certainly been under the impression that husband and wife had quarrelled over the latter's frequent absences from home.

  7. And since he was so nearly assassinated, his absences have been more frequent than ever!

  8. This is one reason, among many, why women love so much more tenderly and anxiously than we do; and it is also one reason among many why frequent absences are, in all stages of love, the most keen exciters of the passion.

  9. His absences in the Terrace at meal-times made a great gap in the day, and Tom Catchpole was constantly left in sole charge.

  10. When the kitten grew to be a cat she gravely watched under Mike's awning during his short absences with Tom, and not a soul ever touched the property she guarded.

  11. Still she managed to keep up in her classes despite frequent short absences from school.

  12. But the Archbishop was ever a trusted minister, and a trusted counsellor, and in the King's frequent absences from England, he often acted as his lieutenant.

  13. This fact is not unconnected with the King's frequent absences from England.

  14. Anna had taken to stealing out again; and her wits were at work to concoct a plausible excuse for her absences to Hester Dell, that no tales might be carried to Patience.

  15. Clement, a bailiff, who for a long time had been charged with my small affairs, and had given the necessary attention to my farm during the long absences which the journeys and campaigns of the Emperor necessitated.

  16. When the court sojourned at Fontainebleau, the inhabitants indemnified themselves amply for his Majesty's long absences by the high price at which they sold all articles of food.

  17. During his absences it was occupied by "white" families of the sort that move often by wagon and work cotton on shares; meantime his fancy was playing about the place and taking root.

  18. Thus while everything was going forward, he mounted the wheel of Progress and put his hand to the throttle; and now every time he got back from one of his occasional absences a new farm had been opened up forever and ever.

  19. It was during one of his absences that Mary wrote to him the letter referred to above.

  20. But Shelley's enforced absences became more and more frequent; brief visits to his home were all that he could snatch.

  21. The visits to Hartford which had begun with this affluence continued without actual increase of riches for me, but now I went alone, and in Warner's European and Egyptian absences I formed the habit of going to Clemens.

  22. With his frequent absences and my own abroad, and the intrusion of calamitous cares, the rich tide of his letters was more and more interrupted.

  23. Certainly this kind of treatment appeared to furnish an infallible criterion, whether the seeming absences of the soul of this miraculous man were pretended or real.

  24. In these absences his unembodied spirit would visit what places he thought proper, observe every thing that was going on, and, when he returned to his fleshy tabernacle, make a minute relation of what he had seen.

  25. At former returns from brief absences they always welcomed me warmly--but not in that strange, heart-touching way.

  26. Yours and mine, with all disadvantages, all absences of luxury and wealth and style, are, I doubt not, happier.

  27. It was clearly a question of psychopathic absences of a mild narcoleptic type, occurring, however, only at night.

  28. Friedmann is interested to show the relation of such absences to the so-called gehäuften kleinen Anfälle, originally described by him in 1906 as occurring in children, and distinguished from epileptic attacks.

  29. Daytimes, also, throughout the whole period in which the nocturnal absences occurred, there were seizures of another description.

  30. Florizel's frequent absences from court alarmed Polixenes; and setting people to watch his son, he discovered his love for the shepherd's fair daughter.

  31. Adriana said she had long thought the love of some other lady was the cause of his frequent absences from home.

  32. Memorandum of absences of the Presidents of the United States from the national capital during each of the several Administrations, and of public and executive acts performed during the time of such absences.

  33. The several periods of absence which make up this aggregate were each brief, and it does not appear that during these absences the President signed any public official documents, except one pardon.

  34. The young Tiberius Gracchus may have been born during one of his father's frequent absences on the service of the State.

  35. Their extent implies the assumption of very prolonged absences on the part of the master.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "absences" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.