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Example sentences for "begar"

Lexicographically close words:
begad; began; begane; begann; beganne; begat; begause; begemmed; beget; begets
  1. Sonne begar you be de ville voman, Begar I tinck to marry metres An, and begar 115 Tis a whorson garson Iack boy.

  2. Here giue that same to sir Hu, it ber ve chalenge Begar tell him I will cut his nase, will you?

  3. Begar I will kill de cowardly Iack preest, 40 He is make a foole of moy.

  4. Begar den I haue as mockuater as de Inglish Iack dog, knaue.

  5. Bully moy, mon rapier Iohn Rugabie, begar de 5 Hearing be not so dead as I shall make him.

  6. I begar I be forget mine oyntment, Where be Iohn Rugby?

  7. Begar excellent vel: and if you speake pour moy, I shall procure you de gesse of all de gentlemen mon patinces.

  8. Begar de preest be a coward Iack knaue, He dare not shew his face.

  9. Begar I do looke he shal claperclaw me den, And Ile prouoke him to do it, or let him wag: And moreouer bully, but M.

  10. Napoleon is seated on the French coast, directing his magic lantern towards John Bull, exclaiming, ‘Begar de brave Galanté shew for Jonny Bull.

  11. He thus addresses the master shipwright: ‘Begar you must work like de Diable, ve must annihilate dis John Bull.

  12. Begar, madama, but dat no be my faulta; begar me no hinder de water from coma; if no will rain, begar me no can make de rain.

  13. Matré Clark, I am your ver humble serviteur; but begar me have no patience to be abusé.

  14. Dam de littel bell, I vill not come; mon maître he always interrupt me ven I make de love to the pretti ladi, he be jealous, begar I vill not come.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "begar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.