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Example sentences for "bibliomaniacal"

Lexicographically close words:
bibliographique; bibliography; bibliolatry; bibliomania; bibliomaniac; bibliomaniacs; bibliophile; bibliophiles; bibliopolic; bibliothecam
  1. Among these, those which belonged to my old bibliomaniacal friend Corvinus, King of Hungary, cut a conspicuous and very respectable figure.

  2. It was a mere bibliomaniacal vision:[80] dissipated the very moment I had quitted the apartment for another.

  3. When Mr Nichol showed me the very bed on which this bibliomaniacal Duke had expired, I felt--as I trust I ought to have felt on the occasion.

  4. We shall see in the register of the sales after Askew's day how the prices gradually advanced, until we arrive at the culmination of the bibliomaniacal spirit in the Roxburghe sale of 1812.

  5. The pedigree of this volume is well established by its having in the cover the bookplate of Thomas Barrett, of Lee, celebrated by Dibdin as a 'bibliomaniacal and tasteful gentleman.

  6. To our no small surprise, very soon after this quietus had been given to bibliomaniacal hopes, the books in question appeared before us in excellent condition.

  7. Such a nice bibliomaniacal fancy must have delighted Dibdin; and as he was at one time librarian at Althorpe, he doubtless was the medium of bestowing this charm upon the binding of his own work for his friend.

  8. He retired to this said bibliomaniacal bed, but not to repose.

  9. We left off with lauding the bibliomaniacal celebrity of Harley, Earl of Oxford.

  10. He retired to his bibliomaniacal bed, but not to repose.

  11. His bibliomaniacal propensities, and his industry in transcribing books, is indicated by an illumination representing this worthy abbot deeply engrossed with his ponderous volumes.

  12. In the very first room you have an earnest of all the bibliomaniacal felicity which these MSS.

  13. Upon an average, I set his bibliomaniacal peregrinations down at the rate of a full French league per day.

  14. In a note on the above passage, Dibdin adds: "I have often consulted my bibliomaniacal friends respecting the name of the binder or binders of the Harleian Library.

  15. Missal, in a large thick quarto volume, with borders and pictures in good condition; but did not fail to commend right heartily the proper bibliomaniacal spirit of M.

  16. For the third time, in the same day, I visited Monsieur Adam; to carry away, like a bibliomaniacal Jason, the fleece I had secured.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bibliomaniacal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.