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Example sentences for "bicarbonates"

Lexicographically close words:
bibs; bibulous; bibunt; bicameral; bicarbonate; bicause; biccause; biceps; biche; bichlorid
  1. It contains the bicarbonates of lime, magnesia, and soda, silicates of lime and alumina, and the oxide of iron.

  2. The principal ingredients are the chlorate of sodium, mixed with the bicarbonates of lime, soda, and magnesia, and a little iron.

  3. Clermont road, is a cold mineral spring, containing bicarbonates of lime, magnesia, and soda, with free carbonic acid gas.

  4. Chemical Laboratory reports that Alkalithia is an effervescent mixture which contains alkaline carbonates and bicarbonates together with caffein, free tartaric acid and free citric acid.

  5. The major portion of the alkali carbonates and bicarbonates is converted into citrates and tartrates when the preparation is dissolved in water--as is done before it is taken.

  6. The alkaline bicarbonates either do not disturb the solution, or only cause a slight degree of opalescence.

  7. The bicarbonates of potassium and sodium also give similar precipitates from neutral solutions, insoluble in excess.

  8. The carbonates and bicarbonates of soda and potassa are also favourite remedies with habitual drunkards.

  9. A mixture of equal parts of the bicarbonates of potassa and of soda will, perhaps, ultimately be found to be more useful than either substance used separately.

  10. The soluble bicarbonates of lime and magnesia, losing their carbonic acid, thereby become insoluble and precipitate.

  11. If free carbonic acid or bicarbonates are present, bicarbonate of lime is formed and remains in solution, though under the action of heat, the carbon dioxide will be driven off and insoluble monocarbonates will be formed.

  12. The lime process is used for waters containing bicarbonates of lime and magnesia.

  13. Such a method is used where sulphates of lime and magnesia are contained in the water, together with such quantity of carbonic acid or bicarbonates as to impair the action of the soda.

  14. The Bicarbonates of the fixed alkalies are best, because least irritant.

  15. The bicarbonates are probably the best for this purpose, for they may be given in large doses, being less irritating.

  16. We may briefly state that the chief object is to precipitate the bicarbonates of lime and magnesia held in solution by the water, and so get rid of what is known as the temporary hardness.

  17. To accomplish this, strong lime water is introduced in a clear state to the water to be softened, the quantity being regulated according to the amount of bicarbonates in solution.

  18. Normal carbonates tend to reduce the velocity of the germicidal action and bicarbonates to increase it.

  19. The salts held in solution are in the state of bicarbonates of lime and magnesia.

  20. The solubility of bicarbonates of lime and magnesia in water.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bicarbonates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.