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Example sentences for "blithest"

Lexicographically close words:
blithely; blitheness; blither; blithering; blithesome; blizzard; blizzards; bloat; bloated; bloater
  1. Lasses suld hae naething to do wi' weans till they are married--and then a' the gossips and cummers come in and feast as if it were the blithest day in the warld.

  2. The Highland hills I've wander'd wide, And o'er the Lowlands I hae been; But Phemie was the blithest lass That ever trod the dewy green.

  3. And aye she wrought her mammie's wark, And ay she sang so merrilie: The blithest bird upon the bush Had ne'er a lighter heart than she.

  4. Our spirits rose with the rising day to the blithest altitudes; already we seemed to savor the taste of brisk campaigning; I think we all longed boyishly for action.

  5. Fresh in mind still is the enthusiastic ovation given to our beloved Autocrat when the hundred days had passed, and "Wind and Wave" brought safely home again "our wisest word, our blithest smile.

  6. It is gourmand eat gourmand, until in half a century more I expect the blithest and merriest of our meadow songsters will have disappeared before the rapacity of human throats.

  7. Grossvater was in one of his blithest and serenest hours.

  8. But to-day the air and the sky are clear and fresh, the Torrens is babbling, and the birds are singing the blithest legends imaginable all over the Park Lands.

  9. There were the cherished memories of a dearly-prized lost son and daughter to touch with tender sorrow its blithest moments and lightest words.

  10. We read of her as going everywhere, as the blithest and most indefatigable dancer in her ball-room, dancing out a pair of slippers before the night was over; we hear how reluctant she was to leave town, how eager to return to it.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blithest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.