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Example sentences for "blizzard"

Lexicographically close words:
blitheness; blither; blithering; blithesome; blithest; blizzards; bloat; bloated; bloater; bloaters
  1. Captain Doune's two guns being met by a blizzard from the foe in the surrounding ridges.

  2. From three sides they, some 1200 of them, turned a blizzard of lead on Colonel Kekewich's force.

  3. Upon the mountain-side where the frozen girls and beasts trembled, the wind howled and the blizzard swept along between the trunk of trees, but on the ledge Polly found comparative shelter and only now and then a blast of the gale.

  4. It wouldn't be the first time we ran into a blizzard in July," commented Polly.

  5. It led past Pagoda Peak, and just as we got to the base of the peak and discovered the down-trail, the blizzard came swooping upon us without warning.

  6. As the blizzard gathered fury and strength, the clouds, like rags torn from the sky, raged past the riders, every now and then sweeping the snow completely over them.

  7. You-all must be clean locoed with the blizzard and the long ride!

  8. When we reached the first Park never a sign of snow was there, and the only result of that mountain blizzard was an added flood of water pouring down the gulleys to the bottoms and valley.

  9. Of course, no one would attempt climbing in that storm and Montresor had to remain in his cabin for the blizzard to pass.

  10. A trapper rode in this morning and spoke of the awful blizzard that hit Top Notch Trail.

  11. It looked as if a real Manitoba blizzard was setting in.

  12. Rance Belmont had no desire to face a blizzard unnecessarily, particularly at night, and the storm was growing thicker every minute.

  13. Yes; but Fits was alone, then, and the blizzard kept him from getting away to get help of his own choice kind.

  14. And yet the rascal must be somewhere around, for he couldn't get far in such a blizzard as we've been going through.

  15. Then, as there's no telling how long this good old blizzard will last, we'll do well to stack all the wood we can carry into this cabin.

  16. But I don't believe, the way the blizzard is coming now, that we'd get more than a mile or so before we'd all lie down in the snow and have to give up the fight.

  17. Every Grammar School boy, as he dropped off to sleep, knew that a big blizzard was still in progress.

  18. I remember hearing of a man who was caught by a blizzard crossing a big barren up north with a train of dogs.

  19. The blizzard did last all that day, reaching its height toward the middle of the afternoon, but it was not extremely cold, and the boys were fairly comfortable.

  20. It's a small-sized blizzard now, and it is growing worse.

  21. This is a genuine blizzard and it's death to be unprotected.

  22. Outside the storm still raged, and Mr. Macksey, who came in from having with his men, put away the horses, reported that the blizzard was growing worse.

  23. Whatever course the trail turned, the blizzard seemed to shift to meet us again square in the teeth.

  24. It makes no difference if they are in a blizzard blowing over one of the high Andean passes, they will trudge along with legs bare to above the knees, but with heads and throats muffled deep in woolens.

  25. It is not easy to understand at first why the blizzard should have such a withering effect on the poor beasts.

  26. This has certainly been the most unexpected and trying summer blizzard yet experienced in this region.

  27. The ponies sank lower than their hocks frequently and the soft patches of snow left by the blizzard lay in sandy heaps, making great friction for the runners.

  28. As we came to camp a blizzard threatened, and we built snow walls.

  29. As far as I can gather Forde's pony only got 4 miles back from the Bluff Camp; then a blizzard came on, and in spite of the most tender care from Forde the pony sank under it.

  30. Then the party marched some 10 miles, but the blizzard had had a bad effect on Blossom--it seemed to have shrivelled him up, and now he was terribly emaciated.

  31. The impending blizzard has come; the wind came with a burst at 9.

  32. The weather grew bad on Saturday night and we had a mild blizzard yesterday.

  33. The facts supporting the theory are the actual formation of a stratus cloud before a blizzard, the snow and warm temperature of the blizzard and its gusty nature.

  34. This must be wrong; they mark blizzards, but after each blizzard fresh crusts are formed only over the patchy heaps left by the blizzard.

  35. The blizzard has blown itself out this morning, and this afternoon it has cleared; the sun is shining and the wind dropping.

  36. There can be no doubt that in a blizzard a man has not only to safeguard the circulation in his limbs, but must struggle with a sluggishness of brain and an absence of reasoning power which is far more likely to undo him.

  37. To our old blizzard camp of the 7th we got on well, 7 miles.

  38. Rather significant of a blizzard if we had not had such a lot of wind lately.

  39. Soon after they had set out the blizzard came sweeping over the downs, blocking out landmarks and obscuring lamps.

  40. It was sixteen months since they had left Blangy to detrain in a blizzard at Achiet-le-Grand and fight in the snow at Bullecourt.

  41. Ward had moved his tanks forward to Mory Copse, where we had hidden ourselves before the trek through the blizzard to the valley above Noreuil.

  42. Then it began first to sleet and then to snow, while an icy wind rose, until a blizzard was lashing our faces.

  43. Not even Mercer's famous description of the effect of a flank fire upon his troop of horse artillery at Waterloo could do justice to the blizzard of lead which broke over the two doomed batteries.

  44. These heights, and especially the Mount Edgcumbe woodlands, suffered severely from the great blizzard of 1891, many of the finest trees being uprooted.

  45. The memorable blizzard of 1891 of course paid its tribute of wrecks to these shores.

  46. A blizzard warning is issued when the Weather Bureau expects considerable snow, winds of 35 miles an hour or more, and temperatures of 20 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.

  47. It may be a peacetime disaster such as a flood, tornado, fire, hurricane, blizzard or earthquake.

  48. A severe blizzard warning means that a very heavy snowfall is expected, with winds of at least 45 miles an hour and temperatures of 10 degrees or lower.

  49. Meantime the wind was at its wildest, and the plains blizzard swirled in blinding bitterness along the prairie.

  50. All the rain turned to snow and the wind to a polar blast as the one furious blizzard of that season fell upon the plains and for many hours threshed the snow-covered land.

  51. The blizzard was just beginning in the early evening when Jim Shirley fairly blew down the trail from the north.

  52. On the night before the coming of the blizzard the light did not go out in the Aydelot cabin.

  53. The fury of a Plains blizzard would have quickly overcome her, but this was a lingering fight against cold and a pathless solitude.

  54. It ought to be the day after the first real snow, but not if that snow happens to be a blizzard and lies deep in dry powdery drifts, for then you could hardly follow a trail if you should find one.

  55. A winter blizzard is more deadly, but not more fearful, nor so wild and tumultuous.

  56. Hear that blizzard howl outside, and think of the roses blooming this instant on the trellis of Louise's window.

  57. The blizzard had developed since she left home, but no one worried about her, for Beth was very resourceful.

  58. He lost his way in a raging blizzard and came out five miles north of where he intended to, but reached the doctor and secured medicine, the doctor not being able to go.

  59. There burst from a June atmosphere the worst blizzard in the history of the state.

  60. This was the blizzard of 1888 when several people lost their lives.

  61. About Christmas, I think it was in 1880, a blizzard started, as they usually did, with a gentle fall of snow, which lasted the first day.

  62. About midnight the wind changed to the north, bringing rain and sleet, and inside of an hour a blizzard was raging on the open prairie.

  63. On awaking in the morning after the first blizzard many found their homes drifted full of snow; even the beds were covered.

  64. On this Sunday afternoon about five o'clock the great April storm started with blizzard from the northwest.

  65. Old settlers, describing winter storms, have been accused of an imagination as expansive as the prairie; but I affirm no man could exaggerate the fury of a blizzard on the unbroken prairie.

  66. With a faint clatter they vanished again; and I did not envy them their long ride to the next post, with a blizzard brewing.

  67. They had already consumed a moiety of it, and the approach of the blizzard would render it valuable beyond estimate.

  68. The blizzard had played fantastic tricks with the snow.

  69. This intimation that the blizzard might be less terrific at so slight a distance was incredible, but the Esquimau was positive that it would have been far better had they set out early in the evening.

  70. That the blizzard was at hand, that it was already careering from the far North and must speedily arrive, was as good as demonstrated.

  71. What then would be the fate of the party if the blizzard continued?

  72. But a blizzard in the Arctic regions is a terror, indeed.

  73. The discouraging feature which the native saw about the matter was that the blizzard had ceased for a time only.

  74. When the weather is very severe the cooking is done in the main room, by means of the big oil-lamp, while the thick walls and the heavy furs of the inmates enable them to laugh at the raging blizzard outside.

  75. But one of the remarkable features of the blizzard and snow storm that had come so near destroying our friends quickly made itself apparent, and raised their hopes to the highest point.

  76. We have enough food to last a week or two, or even longer, and the blizzard certainly won't keep it up that long.

  77. This proved that the blizzard was of less extent than supposed.

  78. If the blizzard had come back, it was in such a mild form that it could lay no claim to the name.

  79. Without any explanation as to his intentions, and leaving his gun behind him, the native plunged through the opening and disappeared in the blizzard outside.

  80. We started from Fort Hays on the 15th of November, and the first night out a blizzard struck us and carried away our tents; and as the gale was so violent that they could not be put up again, the rain and snow drenched us to the skin.

  81. Breathless, exhausted from climbing and floundering and stumbling, the full fury of the blizzard struck her when she reached the top.

  82. The blizzard enveloped Prouty until it required something more than normal courage to venture out of doors.

  83. There's been a terrible blizzard west of the Mississippi," she murmured from the depths of the Journal.

  84. With this assurance, which left no comfort in its wake, Neifkins went out where the first icy blast of the predicted blizzard lifted his hat and whisked it down the street.

  85. The wagon disappeared instantly, the blizzard swirled about her and the flickering lantern was only a tiny glowworm in the blackness which enveloped her.

  86. I used to bring in abundance of food and fuel at such times, cram every crevice round our doorway full of moss, make Patch come inside, and none of us left the shelter whilst the blizzard lasted.

  87. Supposing another blizzard should arise, then moving about outside would not be practicable, it would mean death to all of us.

  88. Over towering Chilcoot he climbed, in the teeth of that memorable blizzard which froze a score of gold-seekers between the Scales and the divide from Crater Lake.

  89. It was indeed a blizzard of the roaring, ramping type that only the Yukon knows, and it increased to diabolical fury as the toilers reached the steepest pitch of the mountain.

  90. Don't you know a blizzard when you meet one?

  91. Just as he was ready to start a blizzard set in with a northeast gale, and smash!

  92. A Labrador blizzard came on, and Gilbert for three days was held prisoner in his tent.

  93. And so, when the blizzard had passed he got out a small motor boat, and made ready for the journey.

  94. When there were signs of a blizzard in the air, it was the Randalls who sent out their sleighs to round up the women who lived alone and bring them in to shelter.

  95. He shook his head, but before hurrying home he scooped up a few buckets of coal we had on hand and took it into the store, and watered and fed the horses, knowing we might not be able to reach them until the blizzard had passed.

  96. The blizzard was not merely a gigantic spectacle put on by nature for our entertainment, it was a menace, to be kept at bay only by constant alertness on our part.

  97. The blizzard was over, but the snow lay deep all over the prairie and the great cold lasted so that few of the settlers ventured outside their shacks.

  98. So it happened that, before famine could touch these people who had already struggled through drought and blizzard and despair, they found help in sight.

  99. Next day the blizzard broke and we found Pinto standing in the hayshed, still hitched to the buggy, quietly munching hay.

  100. Next morning there was a real old-time blizzard raging.

  101. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blizzard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.