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Example sentences for "bold relief"

  • There, in bold relief, is the deep penetrative mind--one that has power to read the masses as they pass before her mental vision.

  • The light sun streamed in and brought out each article of furniture in bold relief.

  • Behind them, on the piers of the arches of the portals, stand in bold relief statues of apostles and saints, separated from each other by pilasters.

  • Immediately beneath are the town and its dependencies, like a map in bold relief.

  • Around the first story there are five horizontal belts of passages from the Korân, engraved in bold relief, and in the Kufic character.

  • In bold relief stood a figure in the bow.

  • They almost leaped overboard, as they raced about the derelict and finally, they both jumped on the quarter deck, where they stood in bold relief.

  • Ned steered the boat nearer to where two black figures, sharply outlined in the moonlight, could be seen in bold relief on the cliff.

  • Ali went towards the fortress, planting in the ground, close to the ramparts, the white flag on which stood out in bold relief, embroidered in black letters, the Islamic profession of faith.

  • All of a sudden, his attention was drawn to the strange aspect of a solitary cloud, white and oblong, that stood out in bold relief on the immaculate blue background of the sky.

  • It serves to paint mere facts in lasting colours and make them stand out in bold relief, far removed from the icy and so-called impartial account of an up-to-date reporter.

  • That sect stood out in bold relief as exemplars of moral purity in an age and among a people eminently licentious.

  • To the west Victoria Bridge stands out in bold relief, and, in spite of its massiveness, it spans the river with the most graceful of lines.

  • They are marked in bold relief on the lofty sky line.

  • The peaks, in clear weather, are seen standing out in bold relief, receding by gradations until the last outline can with difficulty be traced.

  • The softer rocks have been removed, leaving the harder and more resistant ones in bold relief, to become sculptured by rain and frost into a multitude of angular peaks.

  • It is an outstanding and very prominent rock mass, left in bold relief by the ice excavation which has carved deep valleys on each side.

  • This is the upward pointing, acute angle of a great V-shaped portion of the lower slope of the mountain, left in bold relief by the erosion of the valleys on either side.

  • Upon the face of this is sculptured, in bold relief, the portrait of the great discoverer, with his right hand resting upon a globe.

  • In that region the rivers having their sources in the Rocky Mountains and flowing to the Gulf of Mexico have excavated deep and wide valleys, leaving broad intervening areas in bold relief.

  • At the same time lateral branches were developed which followed the outcrops of the less resistant beds and eroded them away so as to leave the hard beds in bold relief.

  • Every housetop, turret and tower stood out in bold relief.

  • Having caught the fellow's profile in bold relief, Dave recognized him instantly.

  • At once the whole wrecked place stood out in bold relief.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bold relief" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    bold enough; bold front; bold relief; bold stroke; both shores; easy circumstances; hardly conscious; instrument consisting; little wistfully; long ways; meat packing; merry laugh; must only; nothing else; particular form; porcelain crucible; pure experience; regard iniquity; rotatory motion; several kinds; strong body; taken down from the; then left; unusually large; worse then