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Example sentences for "boresome"

Lexicographically close words:
boreen; boren; borer; borers; bores; bori; boric; boring; borings; borla
  1. Courageously she was resolving that she would take the first opportunity to escape from this boresome routine of pleasure-seeking.

  2. Two days ago the world about her had seemed a carefree, pleasant, even if sometimes boresome place.

  3. The old man, despite his boresome habit of suggesting "new bills," he could stand on account of his touching loyalty to the Brull family.

  4. Then don Andrés would be there, that boresome Mentor who, at the instance of Rafael's mother, would never let him out of sight for a moment.

  5. This was his daily grind, the boresome drudgery of every afternoon; and around him, with similar expressions of disgust on their faces, a large number of the country's representatives were busy at the same task.

  6. My protests, as always, proving futile, I spent a very boresome time flying backandforth over the same patch of ground.

  7. That is, it would have been boresome had it not been for the dangers involved, for in order to sow the salt evenly and thickly it was necessary to fly low, to hedgehop, the pilot called it.

  8. A collection, a library, a lecture, are all tedious and boresome by transposition of the emotional state to the objective content, and in this way the ides of boredom gets a wide scope.

  9. There is nothing more deadly or boresome than to see how witnesses are examined sleepily and with tedium, and how the witnesses, similarly infected, similarly answer.

  10. The internal condition is determinative, for things that are boresome to one may be very interesting to another.

  11. At first this was rather boresome but recently I have found a new pastime and now I am quite content.

  12. He is the truth where our "red-bloods" and magazine socialists are usually a rather boresome pose.

  13. Nothing is more boresome than an author who pretends to know less about things than he really does know.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "boresome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    boring; fatiguing; irksome; tedious; tiresome; tiring; wearisome; wearying