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Example sentences for "breathers"

Lexicographically close words:
breath; breathable; breathe; breathed; breather; breathes; breathest; breatheth; breathing; breathings
  1. Mouth breathers with teeth in this condition cannot get one breath of uncontaminated air, for every breath becomes infected with poisonous emanations from the teeth.

  2. The only people who do not seem to know more than the new convert are the mouth breathers whom he religiously stops on the street.

  3. An examination of the eardrums of school children in New York who are mouth breathers showed a high percentage of deafness, incipient or pronounced, accompanying adenoids.

  4. The young of the water-breathers always swim about freely by means of a pair of ciliated lobes or fins, but these remain only for a brief period, after which the animal settles to the bottom for a more or less sedentary existence.

  5. EGG CASES OF THE WHELK] The Cephalophora fall naturally into two fairly well-defined groups, which we may describe as the air-breathers and the water-breathers.

  6. Good breathers are not apt to "take cold," and they generally have plenty of good warm blood which enables them to resist the changes in the outer temperature.

  7. Eminent authorities have stated that one generation of correct breathers would regenerate the race, and disease would be so rare as to be looked upon as a curiosity.

  8. In many large coal-fields we continue as much in the dark respecting the invertebrate air-breathers then living, as if the coal had been thrown down in mid-ocean.

  9. Dawson Air-Breathers of the Coal in Nova Scotia Montreal 1863.

  10. The oldest air breathers at present known are Scorpions and insects allied to the modern May-flies, which have been found in the Silurian.

  11. Among the Vertebrates, the fishes are breathers by gills attached to arches at the sides of the neck.

  12. Let us now, in accordance with our plan, inquire as to the nature of these early air-breathers and the fortunes of their families in the geological history.

  13. Ascending from the Devonian to the Carboniferous, we at once find ourselves in the midst of air-breathers of various types.

  14. If they are mouth breathers because they have adenoids, these must be removed.

  15. If patients, especially young patients, are mouth-breathers the clearing out of the throat and nose so as to insure normal breathing can naturally be expected to lessen any tendency to asthma.

  16. The writer knew his verses were immortal and would immortalize the pseudonym attached to them "When all the breathers of this world are dead.

  17. It again divides into two great groups--the water-breathers or Branchiata, and the air-breathers or Tracheata.

  18. Organisms which had hitherto been water-breathers became air-breathers.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breathers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.