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Example sentences for "bulged"

Lexicographically close words:
bulbs; bulbul; bulbuls; bulbus; bulge; bulges; bulging; bulgy; bulk; bulke
  1. He was equipped for travel and the perils of the road, for beside him lay a stick, and tied to this stick was a bundle that bulged with his most cherished possessions.

  2. The white farmhouses glittered; the paint of the verandas bulged out; the wooden spire of the meeting-house pointed piously to a heaven of stainless blue.

  3. A few minutes ago a boy bulged through the kitchen door waving a string of fish and registering triumph.

  4. The family bulged out of the kitchen through both doors.

  5. His forehead sloped back towards the crown of his head, and bulged out in bumps over the eyes, like foreheads seen in the Lion-house at the Zoo.

  6. There was no change in her face, but Swithin's pale eyes bulged as though he might suddenly have been afflicted with insight.

  7. His hair had grown down over his shoulders in a coarse mane, and his lips bulged around his elongated jaws.

  8. It was Joe's favorite stratagem, and it was responsible for the round belly that bulged out beneath his skinny chest.

  9. When they were alone together, they went without clothing, as was the custom of their kind, and their bodies bulged with baggy, loose muscle.

  10. She was still becalmed, but as we brought the breeze up with us her sails bulged out, and she began to glide through the water.

  11. When he sat upright, stiff as a ramrod, it was relatively quiescent, but the moment he relaxed or bent forward to eat it bulged forth as though working on a spring, until a lurking horror that it would escape altogether began to possess him.

  12. The shanks are covered first and then attached to the tree and the thongs are tacked to the saddle-tree, after which the bulged cover is fitted on.

  13. The butt of a revolver or pistol protruded from the side-pocket of Louis’s jacket, and the pocket bulged with the rest of the weapon.

  14. He did not know that his body bulged the wagon-sheet cover.

  15. Now the horse breathed heavily; it stumbled, its eyes bulged redly, it had nearly run its course.

  16. Her knees bent beneath her skirt and bulged outwardly.

  17. He recovered his voice as he drew in a deep breath which bulged his chest to barrel proportions.

  18. The bloodshot eyes of Lelac bulged from their sockets.

  19. The solidity of Zador Ben Amon, whether financial or otherwise, was suggested by the broad back of his short body and in the square shape of his feet, whose bones bulged in spite of the best of sandals.

  20. Drank and drank did our master Pilate until his eyes bulged and his tongue was pushed out of his throat by the fulness thereof.

  21. The shorter the day the more is the earth bulged at the equator; the more the earth is bulged at the equator the greater is the strain put upon the materials of the earth by the centrifugal force of its rotation.

  22. The earth is similarly flattened at the poles, and bulged out at the equator.

  23. The molten earth thus bulged out to an extent which was dependent upon the fact that it turned round once a day.

  24. Its white chest, a Walt Whitman hairy with age; gray-breasted with snow; bulged out like some mighty wrestler, challenging the world.

  25. He was fair to the point of insipidity, and his weak blue eyes bulged with joviality.

  26. One glance, and his eyes fairly bulged from their sockets, his face grew ashen white, his teeth chattered, and the blood in his veins seemed suddenly to turn to ice.

  27. Nor did he know it when the walls of Cyclopean masonry bulged and opened about him like the petals of a flowering lily.

  28. The other, under the light shawl that tucked him in, hugged something that bulged under the coverlet.

  29. It leaped up on the wall beside him and the mocker, one that had been trained to remember and repeat messages verbatim, took a breath so deep that its cheeks bulged out.

  30. He looked from the two tired boys to Bemmon, contrasting their thinness and weariness with the way Bemmon's paunch still bulged outward and his jowls still sagged with their load of fat.

  31. The curtain bulged at times, and a breeze seemed to sweep out from the cabinet.

  32. His honest blue Irish eyes fairly bulged in wonder, and when Craig concluded with a request for help I think O'Connor would have given him anything in the office, just to figure in the case.

  33. The blouse bulged back and front shapelessly and seemed to be one with the shapeless sleeves which ended in hard loose bands riding untrimmed about her wrists with the movements of her hands.

  34. Miriam had discarded her little fur pelerine and her double-breasted jacket bulged loosely over the thin fabric of her blouse.

  35. That position pressed the forearm against the biceps and the big muscles bulged out on either side, vast as the thigh of a strong man.

  36. They shrank from him--from the veins which still bulged on his forehead and from the sweat and pallor of that vast effort.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bulged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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