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Example sentences for "buoni"

Lexicographically close words:
bunts; bunya; buon; buona; buone; buono; buoy; buoyancy; buoyant; buoyantly
  1. The island where we were is called Humunu; but inasmuch as we found two springs there of the clearest water, we called it Acquada da li buoni Segnialli [i.

  2. And, what was still more to the point, he also declared that no marquis should be sent into Tuscany without the consent of twelve buoni uomini chosen by the popular assembly, summoned in Pisa by sound of bell.

  3. Romans to the Florentines," and composed of one hundred worthies (Buoni Uomini).

  4. This first public employment which discloses him at once to us was a mission from the thirteen Buoni homini, sometimes called Caporoni, the heads of the different districts of the city, to Pope Clement VI.

  5. We are indebted for most of the Venetian Gothic palaces to the Buoni and Lombardi families, whose course we have traced in the chapter on Venice.

  6. The Campionese and Buoni families are at the bottom of all the Tuscan schools, and every one of these cradles of art was of the self-same form, i.

  7. This must have been another scion of the Buoni family, probably a small man, and therefore called "Little Buono.

  8. The Buoni family at Modena going on to the south of Italy and then to Pistoja, founded that school.

  9. Like the Antelami and the Campionesi, the school founded by the Buoni furnished several shining lights among the Lombard Magistri.

  10. The Buoni followed the usual custom, and sought commissions in other towns.

  11. How much of the sculpture on the facades of the Ducal Palace was due to the Buoni it is difficult to say.

  12. Venetian ambassador, "are tough fellows and take a lot of cooking" (non sono molto buoni da cuocer).

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buoni" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.