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Example sentences for "buona"

Lexicographically close words:
bunting; buntlines; bunts; bunya; buon; buone; buoni; buono; buoy; buoyancy
  1. Quoth Mr. Shaw to the driver, "My good woman, if you will drive these beasts with less noise it will be better for your buona mancia.

  2. Make it a good buona mancia, Signor Ben, for the sake of old times.

  3. When we reached the shore of the lake, we found ourselves surrounded by vast and noble ruins, like those on the Buona Ventura, but certainly much more romantic.

  4. Upon the day agreed upon, we were all once more assembled at the council-ground on the shores of the Buona Ventura.

  5. What were the Crows before the coming of the white men, on the shores of the Buona Ventura?

  6. That feeling, however, was not confined to that tribe; it was shared by all the others within two or three hundred miles from the Buona Ventura river, and it was not surprising!

  7. I bade farewell to the Prince and my father, and with six well-armed Indians and the Padre Marini, I embarked in a long canoe on the Buona Ventura river, and carried away by the current, soon lost sight of our lonesome settlement.

  8. One heard on all sides "buona festa," "buona Pasqua.

  9. But it cannot be everybody's onomastico as well, and you say 'Buona festa, Peppino' to all who speak to you.

  10. Buona notte, Giacinta, e buon riposo, and do not get foolish ideas into your head, or you will lie awake.

  11. For if they had come by the Cape de buona Sperança, then must they (as aforesaid) haue fallen vpon the South parts of America.

  12. Buona notte, signora," she said as bravely as she could.

  13. Buona Giorno, signora," she said, trying to make the note of some cheerfulness in her voice.

  14. A buona grazia of a scudo at the frontier obviated the delay which would otherwise have occurred in examining our baggage by the douaniers.

  15. VI Sebastiano took his arm from Lucrezia's waist as Hermione came down to the terrace, and said: "Buona sera, signora.

  16. Her father took off his hat with an almost wildly polite gesture, and said, in a loud voice: "Buona sera, signore.

  17. Malo, with two ships, and came to Newfoundland, and how he entred into the Port of Buona Vista.

  18. The track was then due north, towards Buona Vista, below which the river Serapique took its rise, running into the river San Juan.

  19. Whether he succeeded in finding a less rugged road to Buona Vista I do not know.

  20. His intention was to find a better route as far as Buona Vista, after which he would probably nearly follow our course to the Embarcadero of Gamboa.

  21. Iames Lancaster in the Edward Bonaduenture, set forward to double the Cape of Buona esperansa, which they did very speedily.

  22. A voyage to the East Indies by the Cape of Buona Speranza, written by R Hakluyt.

  23. And the shippe wherein he was comming home was cast away a little to the East of the Cape of Buona Speranza, and from thence be traueiled ouer-land to Moçambique, and came as a passenger in this Carack.

  24. Thus the eight of December 1592, wee set sayle for the Cape of Buona Speransa, passing by the Ilands of Maldiua, and leauing the mightie Iland of S.

  25. The twenty one of Iuly we got to the height of the Cape of buona esperanza.

  26. The third of Aprill, we descried the land of Capo de buona esperanza.

  27. April we had sight of Capo de buona esperanza.

  28. Well, la Buona Grazia, I've got twenty scudi a month, will you come with me and be my wife?

  29. They call me la Buona Grazia,' [394] answered the girl.

  30. La Buona Grazia ran and unhooked the picture, and set to work to make a hole with all the available tools she could find; and the stranger, as soon as he had ascertained by the noise where she was at work, set to also.

  31. Everywhere one hears the pleasant greeting of "Buona Festa," "Buona Pasquà.

  32. A physician in Rome, whom I had occasion to call in for a slight illness, took an opportunity on his first visit to put a very considerable buona mano into the hands of my servant, in order to secure future calls.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buona" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.