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Example sentences for "buzzum"

Lexicographically close words:
buzzed; buzzer; buzzers; buzzes; buzzing; bwoken; bwoy; bycause; byde
  1. He waxes fatter, and more slik, evra da, and hangs from the buzzum ov his muther like an image ov alabastur.

  2. I hav alreddy seen all the snaix I want to, and wouldn't go a haff a mile from here to see all the snaix on the buzzum ov the earth unless thare waz a bonfire ov them.

  3. Every man he meets thru the day tells him sumthing nu, and when he goze home at nite he iz az silent and misterious tew the wife ov hiz buzzum az tho he had lost sumthing.

  4. I kant endure the sight ov oppreshun, it disgraces mi manhood, if i had money enuff i would like tew buy even all the yeller dogs thare iz now on the buzzum ov the earth, and make them respekted and happy.

  5. April showers, with blood from Genial skize, hav warmed the streamlet's Veins, and dancing on its buzzum Cums sunlite and shaddo Hand in hand.

  6. Let the lily, and the roze, strive together in mi cheek, and may mi nek swim like a goose on the buzzum ov krystal waters.

  7. THARE iz no more real satisfackshun, in laying up in yure buzzum an injury than thare iz in stuffing a dead hornet, who haz stung you, and keeping him tew look at.

  8. Short pieces ov it, about 8 inches, or so, dipt into the buzzum ov a sherry cobbler, will suckshun up the entire cobbler in 4 minnitts, bi the watch.

  9. Every wun of the civilians uv the party wore buzzum pins, et settry, wich wuz presented to em by the Southern delegates to the Philadelphia Convention, wich wuz made uv the bones uv Federal soldiers wich hed fallen at various battles.

  10. My buzzum swelled with emoshen ez that list wuz read; it wuz more like an old-fashioned Democratic Convenshun than anything I hed heard for five long years.

  11. Wall," sez I, "ef all you fellers repose in that there Buzzum thar'll be mity poor nussin for sum of you!

  12. Hear in the Buzzum of my famerly I am enjoyin myself, at peas with awl mankind and the wimin folks likewise.

  13. I should rather hav a blister plaster in mi buzzum than a krab or a cancer.

  14. She who cums tew see us this month will be az welkum az a dandylion in the buzzum of winter.

  15. The infant drors me hum, the wife of my buzzum drives me away, an so thar it is, an I've got to knock under to the strongest power.

  16. But that thar vessel war wonderously resussutated, an the speouse of my buzzum druv me away to traverse the sea.

  17. No Pa," the boy would repeat "I want a buzzum pin.

  18. Dare wus wun arm all twisted kattykornered twell you couldn't tell pine-plank whedder it growed wid de fingers pinted disserway or datterway, und den dare wus er hole in de buzzum dat yu cud farely see de daylight on de tother side.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buzzum" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.