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Example sentences for "chimley"

Lexicographically close words:
chimerical; chimes; chiming; chimique; chimla; chimney; chimneyed; chimneypiece; chimneys; chimnies
  1. Which it almost breaks even with a chimley I constructs once in my log camp on the Upper Red.

  2. And the whole fire seemed to be full o' lile deevils that were shooting out their tongues at me; and the sparks were the souls of the damned i' hell that tried to lowp up the chimley out o' the deevils' road.

  3. We'd no kitchen range i' yon days, but a gert oppen fireplace, wheer thou could look up the chimley and see the stars shining of a frosty neet.

  4. Didn't the back o' the chimley look like the divil had been a-clawin' it out?

  5. Ye'll have Father McQueen's own bed, for he bes away till June, an' a fire in the chimley all day.

  6. He come down th’ chimley jabbering it right eniff.

  7. Tak that cock aght oth chimley an get aght o' here as sharp as tha can, an nivver let me see thee nor owt belangin to thee agean!

  8. Stooan-crop an haaseleek had takken up a hooam i' th' gutter, an th' chimley wor ommost hid wi ivy.

  9. Aw dooan't know what tha means to do, but if we connot have that chimley altered aw know one 'ats baan to flit.

  10. Its nobbut th' chimley wants sweepin, an aw doant fairly know ha to set abaat it.

  11. Nick shall take the hangings down, and right things up when the chimley 's done.

  12. Run right up chimley thar, and you'll be as safe as if you was t'other side of the river.

  13. Dunno, dad; I was up chimley when he left.

  14. The Yank must be up chimley now," he continued, reminded that his own reputation for loyalty to the great and general Southern Confederacy was now doubly compromised.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chimley" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.