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Example sentences for "churched"

Lexicographically close words:
chunk; chunks; chupatties; church; churche; churches; churching; churchism; churchly; churchman
  1. In 1661, during the reign of James I, the Chancellor of Norwich ordered that every woman who came to be churched should be covered with a white veil.

  2. Their decision was against the woman, this Protestant Council upon woman's dress declaring that it was the ancient usage of the Church of England for women who were to be churched to come veiled, and a prohibition was denied.

  3. The majority of the people have not yet broken with the habits and customs of the more closely settled and churched Middle West from which they came.

  4. Those located in the larger well-churched centers have an ample number of services, while the majority of churches with less than two services a Sunday are country churches.

  5. The policy has too often been to help keep alive a great many struggling churches which did little to justify support, rather than to develop a smaller number of churches in greater need of help in a poorly churched area.

  6. Measures to prevent the recurrence of over-churched conditions should be taken by every branch of the church.

  7. They do not overstate the urgency of the appeal from the unfortunate over-churched and under-ministered communities of this section.

  8. Should denominational home mission boards help pay the salary of their ministers in over-churched communities?

  9. They used to live in Rouen--gray, beautiful, many-churched Rouen.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "churched" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.