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Example sentences for "citified"

Lexicographically close words:
cithara; cithern; citie; citied; cities; citing; citius; citizen; citizenry; citizens
  1. In people's stiff, citified clothes lingered a smell of wet fields and sprouting woods.

  2. Every town and village must be citified in everything it does, and the result is a lot of low-grade attractions entirely lacking in the old-fashioned and forever-artistic merit of sincerity.

  3. We must be citified at any cost, and the result is tawdry entertainments and fairs, when by employing local talent and encouraging local effort we could have entertainments and fairs that would be wholesome and helpful.

  4. The delighted Solomon had quite forgotten his dislike for the citified Paige.

  5. If the citified fishermen objected to what they found, "Be gob, you kin kape away," he readily told them.

  6. And then one day a broad-shouldered, rather commanding, and somewhat citified man drove up to the home of Uncle Jud.

  7. And toward the man who is citified your purely range-bred product cherishes a distinct if secret grudge.

  8. An' is de 'Onerble Mr. Citified buyed it, baby?

  9. Then a fellow in citified clothes came to me and asked: "Can you follow a reaper and shock?

  10. The owner of the place, the citified party who drove me out here the other day and who is generally back in town, was on top of that stack this morning, his collar off, his town shirt and pants somewhat the worse for the exertion.

  11. Not everything was citified in the matter of sanitary arrangements.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "citified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    city; civic; downtown; interurban; midtown; municipal; suburban; town; uptown; village