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Example sentences for "clifflike"

Lexicographically close words:
clientele; clients; clientship; cliff; cliffes; cliffs; cliffside; cliffy; clift; clifts
  1. From Golspie to Wick we are seldom out of sight of the ocean and there are many pleasing vistas from the clifflike hills which the finely engineered road ascends in long sweeping curves.

  2. On either side of the river rise the clifflike hills--literally vine-covered, for the steep slopes have been terraced and planted with vineyards to the very tops.

  3. Great clifflike hills, splashed with red shale and purple heather or clad in the somber green of the pines, rise abruptly from the roadside.

  4. One will find few more romantic sights than the rugged bulk of Ludlow Castle, standing on its clifflike eminence in sharp outline against the evening sky.

  5. But the first thing that catches the pilgrim's eye when he comes into Dover is the splendidly preserved, or rather restored, castle, which stands in sullen inaccessibility on the clifflike hill overlooking the city.

  6. Clovelly well deserves its reputation for the picturesque qualities that have transformed it from an unpretentious fishing village, lost among the clifflike hills, into a thronged tourist resort.

  7. At this point they rose to a clifflike headland a hundred and fifty feet high, flat on top.

  8. The valley was in the shape of an ellipse, the sides of which were formed by great clifflike mountains, and the other two by hills lower, but still of considerable boldness and size.

  9. On the west of the plain of Champagne rises, 300 feet, with a curious clifflike suddenness, the Plateau of Sézanne.

  10. Perpendicular, clifflike walls shut us off from retreat to the land and there was not a possibility of shelter anywhere.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clifflike" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.