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Example sentences for "cloudlet"

Lexicographically close words:
cloudie; cloudiness; clouding; cloudland; cloudless; cloudlets; cloudlike; clouds; cloudy; clouen
  1. Over grass came that strange flush, and over ling and heather, Over flocks of sheep and lambs, and over Cromer town; And each filmy cloudlet crossing drifted like a scarlet feather Torn from the folded wings of clouds, while he settled down.

  2. No flash of lightning lit the sky, No cloudlet marred the blue on high.

  3. Clear is the sky: no cloudlet mars The splendour of the shining stars.

  4. At this distance the nature of the cloudlet was imperceptible to the naked eye.

  5. The cloudlet might be a distant comet, it might be a less distant body of meteors clustering densely in some particular part of their orbit; and, unfortunately, I was not likely to solve the problem.

  6. And he would lower his hat over his forehead to protect himself against the warm breeze and tranquilly resume his reading, his cassock raising behind him a cloudlet of dust which rolled along the surface of the road.

  7. The organ's hum grew softer, and the censers swung with a silvery tinkling of their slender chains, releasing a cloudlet of white smoke, which unrolled in lacelike folds.

  8. She spoke, once more smiling, through the little cloudlet of steam.

  9. Every day that cloudlet was to be seen in the very same position, where it remained motionless most of the day upon the otherwise beautifully clear blue sky.

  10. I had observed for the last few days a little globular white cloudlet to the north, just above the horizon.

  11. In the meanwhile the cloudlet that had been the size of a weasel grew to be as big as a camel, then it swelled out into the likeness of some huge megatherium, it rolled out its massy coils and overspread the whole space of the sky.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cloudlet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.