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Example sentences for "collyrium"

Lexicographically close words:
colloquium; colloquy; collusion; collusive; collyria; colm; colobus; colocynth; cological; colona
  1. A weak solution of opium forms a valuable collyrium in ophthalmia.

  2. How can he, O son of Kunti, wait whose life is shortened every moment, even like a quantity of collyrium that is lessened each time a grain is taken up by the needle?

  3. The king's elephant Satrumardana, with the blood flowing from arrow-wounds, resembled a mountain of collyrium pouring forth streams coloured with cinnabar.

  4. Formerly the term collyrium was applied to any medicament employed to restrain defluxions.

  5. Two or three varieties of the collyrium Melinum are given by Galen.

  6. The collyrium mentioned in the prescription (the Crocodes) derives its designation from its containing the crocus, or saffron, as one of its principal ingredients.

  7. Minervalis’ frankincense Collyrium for attacks of Ophthalmy; to be used with an egg.

  8. Already I have had occasion to allude to the collyrium Chloron, as one of those which derive their particular appellation from the tint or colour of the preparation.

  9. The collyrium Turinum is, it is scarcely necessary to add, merely a latinised form for the Greek collyrium Dialibanum, the composition and virtues of which we have considered in the previous pages (see pp.

  10. Minervalis’ yellow Collyrium for every pain or disease of the eye.

  11. One was termed Achariston, from its cheapness; and this collyrium repeatedly occurs on the oculist-seals.

  12. Diluted with twice or thrice its weight of water, it is employed as a collyrium in chronic ophthalmia, and in specks on the cornea.

  13. An astringent collyrium in ophthalmia, and as injection in gonorrh[oe]a after the acute stage has passed.

  14. Diluted with water, it is used as a collyrium and injection.

  15. The term collyrium includes in classical writings not only liquid but also solid applications.

  16. The flesh of Lucinia, the Nightingale, cures consumptives, while its gall mixed with honey makes an excellent collyrium for the eyes; but singing-birds surely should be exempted from active service under druggists.

  17. The name Tútíá for collyrium is now not used in Kermán.

  18. The lampblack used as collyrium is always called Surmah.

  19. The Collyrium of Danares, a famous quack eye lotion, was sold at Constantinople for L9 a bottle, and the elixirs sold by Paracelsus and Van Helmont brought extortionate prices.

  20. The Collyrium of Danares, which enjoyed a wide reputation in the seventeenth century, was sold at L9 per bottle.

  21. The very dust of his sandals was declared to be the collyrium of the eyes of men.

  22. I had no idea, while I was admiring the collyrium on the eyelashes of beauteous dame Nature, that she would fly at us like an irate housewife, threatening so tremendous a slap!

  23. I tried to be poetical and said it was like blue collyrium on the fringe of lashes enhancing a beautiful blue eye.

  24. In her apartments should be kept all those articles that are necessary in view of the husband's baths, personal decorations, washing of teeth, and application of collyrium to the eyes.

  25. The 'snakes' are the lines of collyrium drawn on each lower-lid.

  26. She stands and gazes piteously down the road; With eye-collyrium she makes a painted Rāhu And speaks with him in wrath.

  27. Her eyes were large and peculiarly black, and fringed by long lashes, which, aided by the collyrium with which they were tinged, formed a sort of ambuscade, from which she levelled her shafts.

  28. I will pray for you; the dust of your path shall be collyrium for my eyes.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "collyrium" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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