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Example sentences for "condemne"

Lexicographically close words:
condemn; condemnable; condemnation; condemnations; condemnatory; condemned; condemnest; condemneth; condemning; condemns
  1. And ye authors warne jurors, &c not to condemne suspected psons on bare prsumtions wthout good & sufficient proofes.

  2. Who did not condemne these Women vpon this euidence, and hold them guiltie of this so foule and horrible murder?

  3. It is very certaine she was of the Grand-counsell at Malking-Tower vpon Good-Friday, and was there present, which was a very great argument to condemne her.

  4. Of which, if we should be silent, our consciences would condemne us, and the stones themselves would immediatly cry out.

  5. Yea and the lord Iesus hymself in the boke of the Reuelacion doth greuusly accuse and condemne them which do eate meate offered vnto Idols.

  6. And yet I do not speake this / as though I dyd condemne the counsell of many good prĩces / which haue cast the Iues owt of their countrye / for good iuste and laufull causes.

  7. Why should I then, though for vnusuall wrongs, I chose vnusuall meanes to right those wrongs, Condemne my selfe, as over-partiall In my owne cause Romont?

  8. Those that are better seene, in what concernes A Ladies honour and faire same, condemne it.

  9. How many, have assisted to condemne Poore soules, for what was never stolne by them?

  10. God forbid any Malice should preuayle, That faultlesse may condemne a Noble man: Pray God he may acquit him of suspition King.

  11. I shall not want false Witnesse, to condemne me, Nor store of Treasons, to augment my guilt: The ancient Prouerbe will be well effected, A Staffe is quickly found to beat a Dogge Card.

  12. We have given this author's story in his own words, with such of his remarks as bear upon the narrative of the other pamphlet, which is all that is necessary at the present day.

  13. I see ye condemne them all that are of the counsell of such craftes.

  14. Surely then, I think since this crime ought to be so severely punished, judges ought to beware to condemne any but such as they are sure are guiltie, neither should the clattering report of a carling serve in so weightie a case.

  15. Judges ought to beware to condemne any, but such as they are sure are guiltie, neither should the clattering reporte of a carling serue in so weightie a case.

  16. Pride he disdaines, when he findes it swelling in himselfe; but easily forgiveth it in another: Nor can any mans error in life, make him sinne in censure, since seldome the folly we condemne is so culpable as the severity of our judgement.

  17. But when death makes them repent They condemne the instrument, And are thought Religious for 't.

  18. That the very names of Bishops shall be a sufficient Jury and judge to condemne any of them, without any further Evidence or circumstance.

  19. Yea, one lewd person, (saith Bodin) may be received to accuse and condemne a thousand suspected witches.

  20. Saint John Chrisostome in the fiftie & sixt homily uppon the booke of Genesis, intreatinge or speaking of the mariage of Jacob, doth very much condemne daunsescalling them diuilish.

  21. The third, that he should condemne no man without lawfull processe.

  22. Yes, I am mad To see such Wolvish Tyrants as you are Pretend a Justice and condemne the iust.

  23. Opinion is my Evidence, Judge and Jury; Mine owne guilt and opinion now condemne me.

  24. As their husbands commending themselves for their wit in keeping their wives industrious, doe condemne the English for their folly in spoyling good working creatures.

  25. Then she the Senses checks, which oft do erre, And euen against their false reports decrees; And oft she doth condemne what they preferre, For with a power aboue the Sense, she sees.

  26. Being done vnknowne, I should haue found it afterwards well done, But must condemne it now: desist, and drinke Men.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "condemne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.