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Example sentences for "consilio"

Lexicographically close words:
consigns; consilia; consilience; consilii; consiliis; consilium; consint; consist; consiste; consisted
  1. The king at length gave way, by the advice and request of his barons, consilio et precatu baronum.

  2. That of the next year runs, ad faciendum tunc quod de communi consilio ordinabitur in praemissis.

  3. At the same time Sauermann declares that his translation was published "by the advice and order (consilio ac iussu) of the author [Luther] himself.

  4. Evidently this, too, was done with Luther's approval (auctoris consilio et iussu).

  5. De hoc toto consilio profectionis, about the whole plan … entire project … de hoc toto consilio profectionis … on the subject of my proposed journey … on my proposed journey altogether.

  6. Nunc, quoniam auctoritate et consilio tuo in spe firmiore sumus, si teneri posse putas Tarracinam et oram maritimam, in ea manebo, etsi praesidia in oppidis nulla sunt.

  7. Reply of a bishop quoted by Gregory of Tours, 9, 33: quia sine consilio parentum eam coniugio copulasti, non erit uxor tua.

  8. On the death of Alexander III the guardians describe themselves as "de communi consilio constituti" (Hist.

  9. It is confirmed by his wife and nephew, several bishops, and a number of nobles, "consilio proborum hominum.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consilio" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.