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Example sentences for "cricks"

Lexicographically close words:
cricket; cricketer; cricketers; cricketing; crickets; cricoid; cride; crie; cried; crieng
  1. Dat old plantation was a grand place for chillun, in summertime 'specially, 'cause dere was so many branches and cricks close by what us chillun could hop in and cool off.

  2. We fished in the cricks and rills 'round the plantation and brought in lots of hornyheads and perch.

  3. His head was full of what he called welfare plans, and he settled the poor along all the likely cricks he found vacant, and bulldozed 'em into goin' to work.

  4. Crack, who had consigned to oblivion all his poor little cousin Cricks to the four-and-twentieth ramification of relationship, should turn up his nose at the pomposity and exclusiveness of persons of rank and fortune.

  5. I think there are about three o' these cricks to every mile.

  6. You know just about as much about it as you do about gittin' over cricks an' paddlin' a canoe.

  7. Cuss the Tennessee mud and freshets in the cricks all you want to, if you think that'll fill your crops, but let me alone, or I'll bust somebody.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cricks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.