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Example sentences for "cride"

Lexicographically close words:
cricketers; cricketing; crickets; cricks; cricoid; crie; cried; crieng; crier; criers
  1. And for he suffrede and seide nouht, Oure Lord sente tokne, That the kynge cride To Abraam mercy, And deliverede hym hus wif, With muche welthe after.

  2. Thanne song I that song, So dide manye hundred, And cride with Conscience, "Help us, God of Grace!

  3. Lo, thus sche cride and thus sche preide, Til ate laste a vois hir seide, That if sche wolde for his sake The maladie soffre and take, 1930 And deie hirself, he scholde live.

  4. The riche ayeinward cride tho: "O Habraham, sithe it so is, That Lazar mai noght do me this Which I have axed in this place, I wolde preie an other grace.

  5. That hand was never wont to draw a Sword, But it cride dead to something: Arb.

  6. Forten and Cride waters (except it be so that I doo iudge amisse.

  7. The Cride riseth aboue Wollesworthie, and neere vnto Vpton: after it is past Dewrish, crosseth a rill from betweene Puggill and Stockeleie by Stocke English, &c.

  8. Alack, for pitty: I not remembring how I cride out then Will cry it ore againe: it is a hint That wrings mine eyes too't Pro.

  9. Thogh the women so rauished cride out, none durst come nere them, for feare of catching their deaths by them, & some thought they cried out onely with the tyrannie of the maladie.

  10. Such and so extraordinarie was his care and industrie heerein, that within few dayes after mistres Tabitha and her pandor cride Peccaui confiteor, and we were presently discharched, they for example sake executed.

  11. To saie the truth so Iudas kist his maister, And so he cride all haile, and meant all harme.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cride" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.