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Example sentences for "crickets"

Lexicographically close words:
crick; cricket; cricketer; cricketers; cricketing; cricks; cricoid; cride; crie; cried
  1. The songs of the birds and the chirping of crickets throughout the night lulled everyone to rest, while the air was soft and healthy, and the nights neither hot nor cold.

  2. The crickets and frogs are heard a good deal.

  3. Then they went away, and the crickets and frogs on Coniston Water took up the refrain.

  4. For a time they were silent, each wrapped in his own thought, while the crickets chirped and the frogs sang.

  5. Then we halted, breathless, in a street, but there was no sound save that of the crickets and the frogs.

  6. It was near midnight, and the sounds of the place were stilling, the crickets chirping in the grass.

  7. Crickets on a Strike The foolish queen of fairyland From her milk-white throne in a lily-bell, Gave command to her cricket-band To play for her when the dew-drops fell.

  8. Crickets on a Strike How a Little Girl Danced In Praise of Songs that Die Factory Windows are always Broken To Mary Pickford Blanche Sweet Sunshine An Apology for the Bottle Volcanic When Gassy Thompson Struck it Rich Rhymes for Gloriana I.

  9. They were preparing supper at the flaring end of a hot day, when the wagons had crawled through a loose alkaline soil and over myriads of crickets that crushed sickeningly under the wheels.

  10. The wheels ground over myriads of crickets that caked in the loose soil.

  11. When the storm howled without, and lashed the poor, naked trees, the crickets on the warm hearth would chirp out cheery welcome to the happy family in the cottage.

  12. The Katy-Dids, and the Mosquitoes, and the Locusts, and a full orchestra of Crickets made the air perfectly vibrate.

  13. The fact is that a class to be looked down upon is necessary to all elegant society, and if the Crickets were not black we could not keep them down.

  14. The crickets chirp; one hears the torrent bubbling at the base of the inn; one hears the dripping of springs from the terrible, overhanging summits, carpeted with thick foliage.

  15. The song of the crickets had a characteristic which it seemed to them they had never heard before.

  16. And who better than she could understand the springy heather and the blue smoke-reek, the crickets of the evening and the curlew's call?

  17. One felt Him now and then as He went through His smallest world, perhaps in the evening when the crickets sang, perhaps over the moonlit waters, or with the little winds of dawn.

  18. Then, too, she said there was a four-footed animal, called a cat, that caught little crickets to eat them up.

  19. Then Mrs. Cricky went on to say that she feared they would never grow up to be gentle crickets if this was the way they intended to behave.

  20. Then he said he knew how he could get away from the society of worms and crickets and katydids he hated, and all the deafening noises they made to drive him crazy.

  21. You are about, before respectable crickets have a chance to go to sleep.

  22. Chee and Chirk and Chirp were the naughty crickets who gave him the name, and although Mrs. Cricky said it was unkind, yet other people took it up.

  23. Crickets stop hissing; not a bird--or, yes, There scuds His raven that hath told Him all!

  24. When the crickets stopped their cry, When the owls forebore a term, You heard music; that was I.

  25. With that the flight of crickets set to work, and in one night they separated the seed from the sand.

  26. And immediately there was a whirring noise in the air, and a great flight of crickets alighted beside him, and among them the cricket whose life he had saved.

  27. The crickets work and chirrup Through the still afternoon; And the owl calls from the hillside Under the frosty moon.

  28. The woods of Wilton at her coming wear Tints of Bokhara and of Samarcand: The maples glow with their Pompeian red, The hickories with burnt Etruscan gold; And while the crickets fife along her march, Behind her banners burns the crimson sun.

  29. Shall we not lift with the crickets A chorus of ready cheer, Braving the frost of oblivion, Quick to be happy here?

  30. When you consider that these crickets and locusts will express themselves--will fill the day with song--though they are without vocal organs and must perforce do with legs and wings instead, you must respect them as musicians.

  31. Contrast these merry crickets with the silent spider.

  32. The crickets are as musical in their way as the thrush family, though provided with but indifferent instruments.

  33. Yet before bees and birds had appeared on the earth there were crickets chirping.

  34. Crickets have large wings, and fly rather like the woodpeckers, rising and falling in the air at every stroke.

  35. They also pet tiny crickets and small white wood-lice in just the same way.

  36. And I have never known the world of good cheer that Dickens writes about--wide kitchens, and teakettles singing and crickets chirping and everybody busy with things that interest them.

  37. The early crickets sang; the stream Plashed through my friend's narration Her rustic patois of the hills Lost in my free-translation.

  38. The crickets were strn chirping, and the feeding cattle were drifting toward the farmyards.

  39. Do you know they don't have just the same kind o' crickets down South.

  40. Butler looked at the huge stacks of wheat, which filled the yard, over which the chickens were fluttering and crawling, catching grasshoppers, and out of which the crickets were singing innumerably.

  41. The crickets rising before his dusty feet appeared to him something sweet and suggestive and The cattle feeding in The clover moved him to deep thought-they were so peaceful and slow-motioned.

  42. Certain forms, like the Mole-cricket and the Jumping Water-crickets (Trydactylus spp.

  43. The crickets (Gryllidae) frequent, for the most part, moist situations.

  44. I knew it was our last pleasure seeking in Faraway, and the crickets in the stubble filled the silence with a kind of mourning.

  45. The ants an' the squgs an' the crickets an' bugs--came out in a mighty array.

  46. The crickets sang with a loud, accusing, clamour.

  47. Hear the crickets holler,' said Uncle Eb, as he followed the bank up into the open pasture.

  48. I think he is whistling to his wife, who hunts crickets in the broom sedge.

  49. On the other hand, we find Japanese poets much more inclined to praise the voices of night-crickets than those of semi.

  50. But I should not now presume to say that their poets are incorrect in speaking of the "voices" of crickets and of cicadae.

  51. And crickets in the aisles of grass With their clear fifing pierce the hush; And somewhere you may hear anear The passion of the hermit-thrush.

  52. Joyfully the crickets croon Under shady oak at noon; Beetle, on his mission bent, Tarries in that cooling tent.

  53. The crickets begin to sing early in the afternoon, and sometimes a locust may be heard.

  54. But she didn't chase any more crickets that day.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crickets" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.