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Example sentences for "dandi"

Lexicographically close words:
dancing; danda; dandelion; dandelions; dander; dandiacal; dandies; dandiest; dandified; dandle
  1. The Dandi should live in the forest, and only come once a day to beg at a Brahman's house for a part of such food as the family may have cooked.

  2. As a matter of fact these rules are disregarded, and the Dandi frequents towns and is accompanied by companions who will accept all kinds of alms on his behalf.

  3. Dandi is sometimes shown as one of the ten orders, but it seems to be the special designation of certain ascetics who carry a staff and may belong to either the Tirtha, Ashram, Bharthi or Saraswati groups.

  4. The Dandi is so called because he has a dand or bamboo staff like the ancient Vedic students.

  5. A sub-section of this order are the Dandi Dasnamis, or Dandi of ten names, so called from their assuming one of the names of Sankara's four disciples, and six of their pupils.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dandi" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.