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Example sentences for "dandified"

Lexicographically close words:
dander; dandi; dandiacal; dandies; dandiest; dandle; dandled; dandling; dando; dandruff
  1. Milord' is a very dandified young sprig of nobility, who is an evident macaroni, with the ambition to shine as a man of taste.

  2. And the dandified little Saint-Arthur, overjoyed to learn that his neighbor was old and ill, drew himself up and dismissed the chambermaid, pacing the floor of his room with a lordly swagger.

  3. No sooner was peace concluded than Louis relapsed into his old habit of dandified indolence and profligate ease; and, putting from him his duties as the lord of a great people, he gave himself up to shameless intrigues.

  4. Gallantry and gaiety were become the object of the ambition of a dandified and elegant day.

  5. It is one of his masterpieces in the realm of the Pastoral which he also created--those pleasant landscapes of France in which he places handsomely dressed Dresden shepherds and shepherdesses playing at a dandified comedy of the Simple Life.

  6. The oculist as though dismissing the dandified man from his mind turned to address Beaut.

  7. The second man was a slender dandified fellow of middle age who sold shoes for a Philadelphia jobbing-house.

  8. Then the children, who were always in the way, and the aged fathers of families who liked to swear at the dandified airs and newly imported French manners of their sons.

  9. Cato was none the less himself for that, nor did Booth's elegance of delivery seem unwelcome because his clothes pictured the dandified spirit of the eighteenth century.

  10. Indeed, Mère Jansoulet recognized by his inflexible shirtfront and aristocratic nose the dandified marquis who had visited at Saint-Romans, and who bore so felicitously the name of a gorgeous bird; but he did not look at her.

  11. Yarse," drawled Billy in the true dandified style, drawing his napkin across his lips as he spoke.

  12. It proved to be the dandified old doctor, who wore gloves to protect his hands and a broad-rimmed straw hat to shade his face.

  13. Next to him was a dandified appearing man who was very slight and thin of form but affected the dress and manners of extreme youth.

  14. Vastly different from the carefully overdressed, dandified person he had been at their first meeting, Quard stumbled on, his hands deep in pockets, head low between his shoulders, a straw hat jammed down over his eyes.

  15. His hands were handsome, clean, and plump; his feet small and well turned, and they stepped out in a confident and rather dandified manner, proving that the commander was not a timid man.

  16. I keep thinking about the dandified man who laughed all through my story.

  17. The dandified fellow lay on the floor too.

  18. And you have a passion for the introduction of finery; a taste for dandified costume.

  19. A somewhat dandified sextet in scrapes of the finest broadcloth and with a wealth of silver on the trappings of their dancing horses, they passed up the main street into the outskirts where their countrymen had a neighborhood to themselves.

  20. A noise behind him made him turn his head, and now, like all the others in that room, he stared at the dandified young Mexican-who had leaped to the top of the monte-table and was standing there among the litter of cards and gold.

  21. One must do at Rome as Rome does," Pen said, in a dandified manner, jingling some sovereigns in his waistcoat-pocket.

  22. Used to be," answered Pen, with a dandified air, "is a vague phrase regarding a woman.

  23. Mr. Puffington, in the most dandified tone of indifference, as he rode up to where Jack and Blossomnose were churning the water in their boots, stamping up and down, trying to get themselves warm.

  24. So delighted was I with the dandified manner of my companion that the journey passed rapidly away.

  25. Gathercole by the slack of his dandified breeches, and drag him to their daughters--the jackanapes!

  26. Pen was sarcastic and dandified when he had been in the company of great folks; he could not help imitating some of their airs and tones, and having a most lively imagination, mistook himself for a person of importance very easily.

  27. Used to be," answered Pen, with a dandified air "is a vague phrase regarding a woman.

  28. Osborne inquired of his friend over their wine, with a dandified air.

  29. Very kind of him, the stiff-backed prig, with his dandified airs and West End swagger.

  30. HE won't be troubling me this morning," Jos thought, "with his dandified airs and his impudence.

  31. As little Georgy came cantering up with his dandified air and his heels down, his grandfather would nudge the lad's aunt and say, "Look, Miss O.

  32. But I've no patience with Jos and his dandified modesty.

  33. The party of Cape Police who had searched Haargrond Plaats, with the drab-painted cart, the three Engineers, and the dandified little officer, had only ridden to a safe distance.

  34. In spite of his patched khâki and ragged puttees there was something dandified about him.

  35. We had not rested two hours before two Wangwana entered my tent, who were slaves of Thani bin Abdullah, our dandified friend of Unyanyembe.

  36. It was said in an extraordinary dandified manner which in conjunction with the matter made me forget my tongue in my head.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dandified" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.