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Example sentences for "dead animals"

  • The food of the Laemmergeier is, like that of other vultures, the flesh of dead animals, though it does not feed quite in the same manner that they do.

  • Its carrion-eating propensities were well known to the ancient writers, who must have had many opportunities of seeing the Raven unite with the vultures in consuming the bodies, not only of dead animals, but of warriors killed in battle.

  • The Egyptian Vulture is one of the best of scavengers, not only devouring the carcases of dead animals, but feeding on every kind of offal or garbage.

  • In animal nutrition the organic matter of the bodies of dead animals, or vegetables, is taken into the stomach, and there suffers decompositions and new combinations by a chemical process.

  • To the taxidermist and collector, photographs of dead animals are of very little value unless it be a large picture of the head of a large specimen, such as a moose.

  • For years it has been my constant practice to make outlines of dead animals, on large sheets of paper, before skinning them.

  • Great piles of human bodies, dead animals, rotting vegetation, household furniture, and fragments of the houses themselves are piled in confused heaps right in the main streets of the city.

  • The waters of the bay were strewn with hundreds of carcasses of dead animals.

  • Dead animals everywhere, and the streets filled with fallen telegraph poles and brick stores blown over.

  • It was evident, from the amount of kit, dead animals, etc.

  • Every mile or so, by the wayside were now passed remains of Turkish camps, dead animals, overturned wagons, abandoned ammunition, etc.

  • Dead animals, horses, mules and camels lay all around; upturned wagons and limbers were to be seen everywhere.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dead animals" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    artistic merit; dead and; dead animal; dead bodies; dead body; dead calm; dead coral; dead game; dead horses; dead language; dead leaves; dead line; dead shot; dead tree; dead weight; deadly fear; deadly poison; front door; good opportunity; heavenly love; her cheeks; hold good; shall pour; sixty thousand; spoken language; till thou