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Example sentences for "dearely"

Lexicographically close words:
deaneries; deanery; deanship; dear; deare; dearer; dearest; dearie; dearling; dearly
  1. But now madame, omittinge to speake of the greatnesse of your estate, let vs consider that we be both man and woman, the most deceiued of the world, and betrayed of them which we haue most dearely loued.

  2. This Hibrahim was so dearely beloued with the Emperour Solyman as he exercysed the Office of Vesiri, whych is nexte to the Emperour, the chyefest in degree of honor.

  3. Whereof the good olde man maruellous ioyfull, praysed God in heart, saying: "Wife this is not the firste good turne which we haue receiued of that holy man, vnto whom euery Cittizen of this Common wealth is dearely bounde.

  4. Yet if so our Sheepe-hookes hold, Dearely shall our Downes be bought, For it neuer shall be told, We our Sheep-walkes sold for naught.

  5. Hierome reporteth, was the wyfe of Abradatas a noble personage, and in warlicke factes very skilfull, dearely beloued of Cyrus king of Persia, with whom this Lady Panthea was captiue, at the ouerthrow of the Assyrians.

  6. At their first meeting they rested with their eyes fast fixed one vpon the other; in such sort as did plainely declare, that discourtesie then trencheth most deep, when it is betweene those who should most dearely loue.

  7. Then when his daughter deare he does behold, Her dearely doth imbrace, and kisseth manifold.

  8. Which to auenge on him they dearely vowd, 2 Where euer that on ground they mote him fynd; False Archimage prouokt their courage prowd, 4 And +stryfull+ Atin in their stubborne mynd Coles of contention and whot vengeance tynd.

  9. Then shewd it, how the Thebane Semelee 2 Deceiu'd of gealous Iuno, did require To see him in his soueraigne maiestee, 4 Armd with his thunderbolts and lightning fire, Whence dearely she with death bought her desire.

  10. Most goodly glee and louely blandishment 2 She to me made, and bad me loue her deare, For dearely sure her loue was to me bent, 4 As when iust time expired should appeare.

  11. To Philemon, false faytour Philemon I cast to pay, that I so dearely bought; 8 Of deadly drugs I gaue him drinke anon, And washt away his guilt with guiltie potion.

  12. But deeds of armes must I at last be faine, 6 And Ladies loue to leaue so dearely bought?

  13. Oh pardon me my Lord, it oft fals out To haue, what we would haue, We speake not what we meane; I something do excuse the thing I hate, For his aduantage that I dearely loue Ang.

  14. I, full as dearely as I loue my selfe King.

  15. In both our Armies, there is many a soule Shall pay full dearely for this encounter, If once they ioyne in triall.

  16. XIV Most goodly glee and lovely blandishment She to me made, and bad me love her deare; For dearely sure her love was to me bent, 120 As when just time expired should appeare.

  17. But deeds of armes must I at last be faine And Ladies love to leave so dearely bought?

  18. For if a commodity that is to be had of meere necessity, be in one hand, it is dearely purchased.

  19. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dearely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.