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Example sentences for "debentures"

Lexicographically close words:
debeat; debemus; deben; debent; debenture; debere; debes; debet; debia; debil
  1. The case quoted from the statute of Queen Anne is not applicable to this case, inasmuch as Government had not originally made the debentures therein mentioned transferable.

  2. The creditors who had furnished supplies to the Government had, instead of money, received debentures only from the respective officers.

  3. I tell you, Cutty, it 's only an old diplomatist like myself would have detected the share that bank debentures had in that girl's demeanor.

  4. That's what I think too, but before that five months run over the share list may be filled, and these debentures be probably double the present price.

  5. The Debentures are in the custody of Goslings, to enable them to receive at Hammersley's the interest half yearly.

  6. I do not perfectly like the Debentures (which you never explained before), I cannot think they run much risk till our next meeting in England.

  7. What is the nature of the three thousand pounds debentures which you purchased last Winter?

  8. The Buriton Mortgage and the aforesaid debentures are very properly, as I suppose, in Lord Sheffield's iron chest.

  9. Those ah the debentures of the Trescott Development Company, fawmed to build up Trescott's Addition.

  10. You know where the Grain Belt debentures and other obligations are mostly held, of course?

  11. Elkins & Company, whose operations in bonds and debentures had been enormous, nothing could be learned on account of the critical illness of Mr. Elkins.

  12. In 1870 the Brisbane Bridge Debentures Act and the Brisbane Waterway Act were passed.

  13. Debentures to bearer are negotiable instruments and pass by delivery.

  14. Debenture-holders claiming to vote must produce their debentures at or before the meeting.

  15. The usual mode of borrowing by a company is either on debentures or debenture stock.

  16. Debentures and debenture stock are usually made payable in instalments, for example 10% on application, 10% on allotment and the remainder at intervals of a few months.

  17. These bodies are authorized to borrow for their proper purposes on debentures and debenture stock with the sanction of the Local Government Board.

  18. Sometimes debentures to bearer are made exchangeable for registered debentures and vice versa.

  19. There is no objection to a company issuing debentures or debenture stock at a discount, as there is to its issuing its shares at a discount.

  20. One of the many advantages incident to incorporation under the English Companies Acts is found in the facilities which such incorporation affords a trading concern for borrowing on debentures or debenture stock.

  21. A company may issue debentures if this is agreed to by a certain majority (Art.

  22. Pitt was led to the adoption of this measure because it was found that these bills and debentures had a great effect in depressing the public securities.

  23. The government, he said, had disapproved of the debentures issued by the local governor, ami they had been withdrawn.

  24. One is the ordinary borrowing of money from a creditor, and the other is borrowing in the shape of debentures by public subscription.

  25. Now in ordinary borrowing of money the liability may be secured by mortgage, but the debentures could not be secured by mortgage, although of course the liability extends to the whole property of the company.

  26. In 1847 shares in the railway had been placed both in England and in the province, and the legislature guaranteed the interest on debentures and also granted a land subsidy.

  27. Provincial {89} debentures were issued against the municipal obligations pooled in the Fund, and the proceeds of their sale given to the municipalities.

  28. But the debentures are mostly all right and some of the prefs.

  29. Seeing, feeling the movement, she had realised most of her debentures and turned them into shares.

  30. Two years ago Mr. Morris Assheton's fortune was invested in certain railway debentures and Government stock.

  31. He spends an hour in studying with an open mind the price-list of stocks, and finally infers that the purchase of Brewery Debentures will enable him most completely to realise his desire.

  32. Given the original desire for good security, his act in purchasing the Debentures appears to be the inevitable result of his inference.

  33. She did not, as a fact, know what debentures were.

  34. At any rate, he assuredly did not care, personally, whether Louis accepted the debentures or not.

  35. United Midland Cinemas Corporation, Limited, she became more than ever convinced that her instinct about debentures was but too correct.

  36. And old Batchgrew went on talking and inveigling until Rachel was ready to believe that the device of debentures had been originally invented by Thomas Batchgrew himself with felonious intent.

  37. Kent debentures to the extent of many millions have been issued to the landholders, and in less than nineteen years more than one-eighth of the debentures issued have been entirely redeemed and extinguished.

  38. But one can also increase the number of shares, or issue debentures which the Government may buy up in hard times at a good price.

  39. They work with debentures now; but your brother hasn't lost anything by it, even though he hasn't made anything.

  40. Municipalities were empowered to borrow money on debentures for railway building guaranteed by the provincial government.

  41. The necessary funds were to be raised on twenty-year debentures bearing interest at six per cent.

  42. A hundred dollars in traveling expenses, and I have assumed a hundred and thirty thousand of town debentures at six per cent.

  43. There's only one thing I can see--issue debentures secured by first mortgage.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "debentures" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.