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Example sentences for "guaranteed"

Lexicographically close words:
guanaco; guanacos; guanine; guano; guarantee; guaranteeing; guarantees; guarantied; guaranties; guarantor
  1. In 1785 the United States Commissioners concluded the treaty of Hopewell with the Indians, and solemnly guaranteed them certain lands.

  2. Regular subsidies were guaranteed for this purpose.

  3. Just because you're guaranteed your dollar an hour, and your pension at sixty!

  4. It was really simple, this far-off world with its standardized life, this petrified civilization in which everything was guaranteed except the one real essential--progress.

  5. It is only when the professional medium can be guaranteed an annuity which will be independent of results, that we can eliminate the strong temptation, to substitute pretended phenomena when the real ones are wanting.

  6. But if the broad premises which are guaranteed by this teaching from beyond are accepted, then the human race has made a great stride towards religious peace and unity.

  7. The Romans in this manner guaranteed the possessions of many of the princes of Asia and Africa, by taking them under their protection until they secured to themselves the possession of the territories thus protected.

  8. Twelve princes of the empire guaranteed the treaty by an oath upon the gospel; but none of them signed it.

  9. It is not said that the doge of Venice guaranteed that peace which was concluded in his palace.

  10. The second convention of 1838, signed by James Buchanan and Count Nesselrode, guaranteed to citizens of the United States freedom to enter all ports, places and rivers on the Alaskan coast under Russian protection.

  11. The king came on board the flag-ship, and a “treaty” in which protection to American seamen was guaranteed was made.

  12. The demands were fully acceded to, and interest was guaranteed on instalments.

  13. It seemed to me that such a lecturer, if well chosen, and properly guaranteed against loss, might devote a longer time than I, and visit the smaller towns, from which I had often the most touching appeals.

  14. I showed them the record of miracle after miracle, some of them done under my very eyes, one guaranteed by Russell Wallace, three by Sir William Crookes, one of the Geley series from Paris, two of Dr.

  15. In this wise and beneficent career Virginia has been violently interrupted, against her recognized and guaranteed rights, by instant and violent abolition.

  16. Thus, the rights of slave owners in the whole of the Louisiana purchase were guaranteed to them by treaty, until such time as the part they inhabited became a sovereign State, and thus assumed plenary power over the subject.

  17. Eight francs a-week were guaranteed to him, at work or not.

  18. The financial difficulties of the province had been met by guaranteed Imperial loan, and progress had been made in remedying the evils of pauper immigration.

  19. Municipalities were empowered to borrow money on debentures for railway building guaranteed by the provincial government.

  20. The Scientific American Export Edition has a large guaranteed circulation in all commercial places throughout the world.

  21. Much of this violence can be traced to race prejudice and competition of labor, which can not, however, justify the oppression of strangers whose safety is guaranteed by our treaty with China equally with the most favored nations.

  22. As by the Act of Berlin of 1885, to which all the European powers were signatories, equality of treatment in commercial affairs was guaranteed to all nations in the Congo basin, protests were raised against the terms of the concessions.

  23. At one time the law which made the husband the head of the home guaranteed to the family support by the husband.

  24. They are a part of the laborer's hire, and should be guaranteed by law, exactly as wages are guaranteed.

  25. A hip-bath on a blanket in the middle of the bedroom floor richly sufficed them, provided they could be guaranteed against the calamity of meeting the unelect in the corridors or at table d'hôte.

  26. She had guaranteed to circuit the globe and to be back in London within a hundred days, to speak in at least five languages, and to get herself arrested at least three times en route.

  27. At the end of the fifteenth call the stage-manager came before the curtain and guaranteed that two thousand four hundred plates had been broken.

  28. And this crime is guaranteed not only as a right, but as a duty, by the American constitution, the representative of which you are supposed to be in the State of Illinois.

  29. The Government Resident, who believes in me, strangely enough, has guaranteed the authenticity of what I have said.

  30. He has guaranteed the truth of my statement.

  31. Republican Government and the territory of each State, except in the instance of a voluntary junction of Government and territory, ought to be guaranteed by the United States to each State.

  32. American History and Government, # 51 note), had guaranteed them a large measure of self-government.

  33. Rights of Englishmen guaranteed to settlers and their posterity.

  34. To show that engine could haul its guaranteed load of 15 tons gross, exclusive of own weight.

  35. Then he cried aloud, "If I surrender, my Lord Count, it must be on terms distinctly set forth, with conditions stated and guaranteed by your knightly word.

  36. Moreover," he went on, "although Ingersoll guaranteed his watch, tricky competition arose.

  37. Just what this magic watch dial was made from was Ingersoll's secret; but anyway it did what it was guaranteed to do and instantly leaped into popularity.

  38. He had more than 2000 troops in the Balla Hissar, still at least nominally loyal; he had guaranteed the protection of the mission, and it behoved him to do what in him lay to fulfil his pledge.

  39. The General sent to Akbar Khan to remonstrate with him on the attack he had allowed to be made after having guaranteed that the force should meet with no further molestation.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "guaranteed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affianced; ascertained; assured; attested; betrothed; bound; certain; certified; committed; contracted; decided; dependable; determinate; determined; engaged; established; firm; fixed; guaranteed; harmless; insured; intended; invulnerable; obligated; pledged; promised; proved; reliable; secure; settled; sound; stable; stated; steady; sure; sworn; tested; trustworthy; warranted