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Example sentences for "deceiue"

Lexicographically close words:
deceitful; deceitfull; deceitfully; deceitfulness; deceits; deceiued; deceiuing; deceivable; deceivableness; deceive
  1. This knaue is so ingrate or vnkind, that he considreth not his frend from his fo, & wil requit euil for good & being put most in trust, wil sonest deceiue his maister.

  2. Also by another experience at another time, we found this current to deceiue vs in this sort: That wheras we supposed it to be 15 leagues off, and lying a hull, we were brought within two leagues of the shore contrarie to all expectation.

  3. They are good Fishermen, and in their small Boates being disguised with their coates of Seales skinnes, they deceiue the fish, who take them rather for their fellow Seales, then for deceiuing men.

  4. Martine's touche, to deceiue him that would playe the foole to buy them.

  5. For it they be good, they will like it well, that thou wilt heare nothing but the world of God: but if they be wicked, they will endeuour to deceiue thée with lying.

  6. He followeth them which once or twise iustly repaie vnto their creditors such money as they haue borrowed, kéeping their promise duly, that afterwards they may obtaine a great summe of them, and then deceiue them.

  7. So putting the yoong man in good hope, and receiuing as much mony as she required, because she wel knew =Paulina= could not be wonne with mony, she deuiseth a new way to deceiue her.

  8. Before I procéede any further, this is also to be obserued, that plesaunt conceited fellowes, may oftentimes deceiue the priests, themselues.

  9. If therefore they addict themselues to euill deuises, they may easily deceiue men, except God miraculously reueale their wickednesse, and bring it to light, as we declared in a fewe examples rehearsed before.

  10. By his quicknesse, and by his knowledge in naturall things, he may easily deceiue the eye sight, and other senses of man, and hide those things which are before our face, and conuey other things into their places.

  11. This is the Diuels legerdimaine, to make shewe, as though he had power ouer good men, thereby the rather to deceiue many.

  12. And yet it is not alwayes the safest way, so to deceiue men with iests and toyes; for many examples might be brought to shewe how euill some men haue sped hereby.

  13. Esay=, it is written: If they say vnto you, enquire of them which haue a spirite of diuination, which whisper and murmure softely in youre eares to deceiue you.

  14. Some led with vaine fantasie, thinke him who oppresseth them, to créepe vp by little and little on the bed, as it were to deceiue them, and anon to runne downe.

  15. For all he did, was to deceiue good knights, 2 And draw them from pursuit of praise and fame, To slug in slouth and sensuall delights, 4 And end their daies with irrenowmed shame.

  16. In vaine therefore, Pyrochles, should I lend 8 The same to thee, against his lord to fight, For sure it would deceiue thy labour, and thy might.

  17. But ah, who can deceiue his destiny, 2 Or weene by warning to auoyd his fate?

  18. I haue neede now of your fidelitie and truste, whereuppon if I do staye, and you deceiue mee, you shall both vndoe me and your selfe.

  19. But I repose in you such affiance, as you will not deceiue so simple a Ladie as I am, vtterly voyde of guyle and deceit.

  20. Take heede, I beseech you, that a vaine hope doe not deceiue you, and a foolishe desire abuse you.

  21. Suffer not this tyraunt loue to bewitch or deceiue thee.

  22. And that was it my Lord, (answeared the traitour) which did deceiue you.

  23. This is a strange alteration and very apt to deceiue the Sailer, vnlesse hee know the vnconstancie and variation of the Compasse, and take the eleuation of the pole sometimes with his instruments.

  24. O peace Prince Dolphin, you deceiue your selfe, 15 Question your grace the late Embassador, With what regard he heard his Embassage, How well supplied with aged Counsellours, And how his resolution andswered him.

  25. A your Maiesty has false France inough To deceiue de best Lady in France.

  26. This Puck seemes but a dreaming dolt, Still walking like a ragged Colt, 290 And oft out of a Bush doth bolt, Of purpose to deceiue vs.

  27. Beneath Norwich also it receiueth two waters in one chanell, which I will seuerallie describe, according to their courses, noting their confluence to be at Bixleie, within two miles of Norwich, except my annotation deceiue me.

  28. Fawy, which is called in Cornish Comwhath, and being situat on the northside of the hauen, is set hanging on a maine rockie hill, being in length about one quarter of a mile, except my memorie deceiue me.

  29. Doe not deceiue mee, eyes: doe I not see In this blest earth heauen's bright epitome, Circled with pure refined glory?

  30. Now get thee hence therefore into some other place to deceiue some other, so vnhappy as my selfe.

  31. If 'twere a substance you would sure deceiue it, And make it but a shadow, as I am Sil.

  32. Ile drowne more Saylers then the Mermaid shall, Ile slay more gazers then the Basiliske, Ile play the Orator as well as Nestor, Deceiue more slyly then Vlisses could, And like a Synon, take another Troy.

  33. Here's packing with a witnesse to deceiue vs all Vin.

  34. Come hither Aaron, Ile deceiue them both, Lend me thy hand, and I will giue thee mine, Moore.

  35. I will rather sue to be despis'd, then to deceiue so good a Commander, with so slight, so drunken, and so indiscreet an Officer.

  36. I see two husbands, or mine eyes deceiue me Duke.

  37. Your Maiestee aue fause Frenche enough to deceiue de most sage Damoiseil dat is en Fraunce King.

  38. By gar, with all my heart: he promise to bring me where is Anne Page: by gar he deceiue me too Euan.

  39. No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceiue Our Bosome interest: Goe pronounce his present death, And with his former Title greet Macbeth Rosse.

  40. Cornish Comwhath, and being situat on the northside of the hauen, is set hanging on a maine rockie hill, being in length about one quarter of a mile, except my memorie deceiue me.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deceiue" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.