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Example sentences for "declar"

Lexicographically close words:
declaiming; declaims; declamation; declamations; declamatory; declaracion; declarant; declaration; declarations; declarative
  1. By gosh, I forgot baout Reub, I declar I did," exclaimed Meshech, contritely.

  2. Or quha me lern in metyr to declar Sa feill and diuers slauchteris as was thar, And gret deces of dukis in that sted, Our all the feildis strowyn lyggis ded, Quham euery ane sammyn hys curs abowt 15 Now down bet Turnus, now Eneas stowt?

  3. Bair hym this message, and declar hym plane, That chosyn men discend from kyng Dardane Beyn hyddir cummyn, besekyng hys frendschip, To knyt vp band in armys and falloschip.

  4. Thus I declar the nane oncertane thing, Bot verray suythfast takynnys and warnyng.

  5. I just dun declar dat you'se got ter take Vilet ter help you up.

  6. I dun declar dat 'fore we could wink dey was all in line frontin' us wid dere guns held out.

  7. Quar pahner fer sech an ole woman as me ter hab, but I dun declar dat her han's, ef dey am little, seem po'ful smart.

  8. I dun declar ter you dat we'd all be at de bottom, feedin' fishes, if I'd dun wot you ax.

  9. I declar I'd know a Gay by his eyes if I war to meet him in so unlikely a place as Kingdom Come.

  10. I declar his voice boomed out so in my ears last Sunday that I was obleeged to put up my hands to keep 'em from splittin'.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "declar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    declare that; declare their; declare themselves; declare unto; declared himself; declared that; declared the; declares that; declaring that