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Example sentences for "developements"

Lexicographically close words:
develop; developable; develope; developed; developement; developer; developers; developes; developing; development
  1. But that deformity, crime, and calamity should have place as developements of this fate, excites uneasiness.

  2. Whether on that hill-side, with the Ohio rolling at our feet, and the blue heavens stretching over our heads, any good was done when we laid the dead steamboat captain in his grave, the developements of the great day must show!

  3. How far these salutary developements are to be carried by industry, what may be achieved by honesty, what light is to be gathered from the recession of prejudice, the wisest among men is not competent to decide.

  4. In the second place, which set of these oracular developements are we to adopt?

  5. As to the main principle there was no dispute; and there were some of its less important developements where the interests of the masters and the journeymen coincided.

  6. The whole of the after-works of Roger Bacon--and treatise after treatise has of late been disentombed from our libraries--are but developements in detail of the magnificent conception he laid before Clement.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "developements" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.