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Example sentences for "digitalin"

Lexicographically close words:
diggins; dight; dighting; digit; digital; digitalis; digitalization; digitalized; digitally; digitate
  1. The facts were altogether inconsistent with his innocence, and though digitalin was not separated from the woman's body, yet extracts of the vomited matters killed dogs with the symptoms of poisoning by digitalis.

  2. Contains the glucoside digitalin and other active principles.

  3. Give chloride of ammonium in 30 grain doses to prevent delirium; strychnine or digitalin hypodermically.

  4. Emetics, stimulants, transfusion of saline or blood, pituitrin, strychnine, or digitalin hypodermically.

  5. The minutest trace of digitalin moistened with sulphuric and treated with bromine vapour gives a rose colour, turning to mauve.

  6. Treatment consists in lowering the body temperature by application of cold cloths, stimulants, strychnine or digitalin hypodermically.

  7. Following this is an editorial on “The Philosophy of Hypnotics” in which aconitine, saline laxative and digitalin are each given a “boost.

  8. The residue is crude digitalin with viscous and oily matter.

  9. Digitalin occurs under the form of very white light crystals, consisting of short slender needles, grouped around the same axis.

  10. After distillation the digitalin remains as a grumous crystalline mass, now only contaminated with the coloured oil.

  11. The digitalin is dissolved in 30 grams of 90 deg.

  12. A little aqueous liquor that occurs with it is separated and the weight of the impure digitalin is taken in the previously tarred vessel.

  13. The digitalin is then dissolved with heat in exactly sufficient 90 deg.

  14. Thus obtained, this first crystallisation of digitalin is slightly coloured; it is sufficiently pure, however, for its weight to be taken in an analysis; one tenth being deducted for the digitalin it still contains.

  15. Brought into contact with a small quantity of hydrochloric acid, digitalin is coloured emerald green, and this reaction is favoured by a very slight heat.

  16. To obtain it perfectly white, two purifications are necessary, but first a treatment with chloroform is indispensable to separate the remainder of the digitalin which injures its purity.

  17. It is exposed to the coolness of the night, and by the next day nearly the whole of the digitalin is deposited in small groups of white needles, that which retains colouring matter remaining in the mother liquor.

  18. The German digitalin is prepared according to the process of Walz, and is extracted from the plant by treatment with alcohol of .

  19. Digitoxin, according to Kopp's[563] experiments, is from six to ten times stronger than digitalin or digitalein.

  20. On treating the mixture with ether, digitalin with some digitaletin is left behind, being almost insoluble in ether.

  21. After neutralisation with ammonia, the digitalin is precipitated with tannin, and the tannate of digitalin resolved into tannate of lead and free digitalin, by rubbing it with oxide of lead and spirit.

  22. A third case may be quoted, which differs very markedly from the preceding, and shows what a protean aspect digitalin poisoning may assume.

  23. The benzene dissolves digitalein, and the chloroform, digitalin and digitoxin.

  24. Since, however, digitaletin is very insoluble in cold water, by treating the mixture with eight parts of its weight of cold water, digitalin is dissolved out in nearly a pure state.

  25. Digitoxin is contained in larger proportions in Nativelle's digitalin than in Homolle's, or in the German digitalin.

  26. On the various species of Tiaropsis, digitalin at first causes acceleration of the swimming movements, with great irregularity and want of co-ordination.

  27. I dashed into the laboratory, almost broke open the cabinet, and seized the bottle of digitalin and a hypodermic syringe, then rushed madly out again and into the car.

  28. He took down a bottle of digitalin from a cabinet, adding, "only it was too late in this case.

  29. I would say that one of the latest and best is digitalin given hypodermically.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "digitalin" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.