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Example sentences for "disembarrassed"

Lexicographically close words:
disembark; disembarkation; disembarked; disembarking; disembarrass; disembodied; disembogues; disembowel; disemboweled; disembowelled
  1. Mole between his legs, and he has disembarrassed you of M.

  2. While on one hand his debtors had disembarrassed themselves of their obligations by settling with the state in paper money, his creditors were waiting to seize him by the throat.

  3. His triumph was complete; a definite decree of Parliament disembarrassed him forever of the Comte de la Blache.

  4. He was quite disembarrassed of that Panglossian philosophy which had hitherto induced him to believe that the Earl of Fitz-pompey was the best of all possible uncles.

  5. I assure you quite disembarrassed of any attentions whatever.

  6. But it was not the intention of Ben Brace or his youthful comrade to yield up their lives without striking a blow in self-defence, and that given by the sailor at once disembarrassed him of his antagonist.

  7. Cuchillo, joyed at being disembarrassed of his apprehension about the secret, began carelessly whistling while he spurred forward his horse.

  8. As to the Senator, it was of little importance to him how he was to be disembarrassed of so dangerous a rival, so long as he himself should not be troubled with the matter.

  9. Her only thought is how to get disembarrassed of this man who has appeared at a moment so mal apropos.

  10. In this part of his narration, the mulatto with modest naivete, hints of his own adroitness; how he threw his inquisitor off the scent, and became at length disembarrassed of him.

  11. A disinterested spectator, with skill in physiognomy, could have told that Eustace Trevor, so far from being taken up with Clarisse Lalande, would have been glad to get disembarrassed of her.

  12. He had even shown haste when helping the ladies out of their saddles, as if wishing to be disembarrassed of them with the least delay.

  13. Soon as he had disembarrassed himself of his captive train--committed to the keeping of Fiennes--he was off again into Somersetshire, there to measure swords with Maurice and the Marquis of Hertford.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disembarrassed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.