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Example sentences for "disillusions"

Lexicographically close words:
disillusion; disillusioned; disillusioning; disillusionment; disillusionments; disinclination; disinclined; disinfect; disinfectant; disinfectants
  1. Against all these bewildering forces the new-born reason has to struggle; and we need not wonder that the costly experiments and disillusions of the past have not yet produced a complete enlightenment.

  2. In this way post-rational systems, though founded originally on despair, in a later age that has forgotten its disillusions may come to pose as the only possible basis of morality.

  3. With all its inevitable disillusions it had been wonderful, incredible.

  4. The disillusions of the young doctor were already upon Charlie.

  5. But he suffered bitter disillusions when the work was finally printed; the creator never found his creation sufficiently perfect.

  6. After each of his disillusions he had arisen again stronger than before; and at this juncture a new element had entered into his life which gave him an augmented energy and courage.

  7. And indeed the much-vaunted strength of the strenuous soul is built up of disillusions only, that this soul has cheerfully welcomed.

  8. At the end of it lay Samoa, Tibet, the Malay Archipelago--jeweled seas and painted solitudes which human disillusions could not wither.

  9. For me all these disillusions were epitomized in Terry.

  10. It hadn't been his intention at the start to depict her as a wronged and spotless angel; but the skepticism of the attentive old image, bleached with disillusions and faded with years, had goaded him to excess.

  11. If people proved disappointing, there were always the painted solitudes which human disillusions had not withered and could not defile.

  12. Other remembrances came to her: those of her own life--Rosalie, Gilberte, the bitter disillusions of her heart.

  13. In its name the adulteress is stigmatized, condemned, not because her act is an imprudence, exposing her to disillusions and regrets, but because it is a crime against the family.

  14. I have said that the expression should be modified to read: the disillusions of marriage and the pollution of adultery.

  15. Nadson sings the melancholy of youth, the dreams and disillusions of adolescence, and the hopelessness of the stagnant atmosphere of reaction to which he belonged.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disillusions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.