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Example sentences for "disillusionments"

Lexicographically close words:
dishwater; disillusion; disillusioned; disillusioning; disillusionment; disillusions; disinclination; disinclined; disinfect; disinfectant
  1. Again, momentarily thrust back into himself, he wondered jealously once more what the disillusionments had been of that experience from before which she seemed, at times, ready to draw back a little the veil.

  2. It seemed to madden some men--and the disillusionments began to come.

  3. This innocence, which belonged to the very essence of her soul, had survived both the fugitive joys and the brutal disillusionments of life.

  4. His disillusionments had but been further experience.

  5. Rolland's disillusionments had been but precious experiences; his trials, but a ladder to higher things.

  6. III THE intoxication of that wedding held on long enough and strongly enough to soften and blunt the disillusionments of the first few days of the honeymoon.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "disillusionments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.