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Example sentences for "divinized"

Lexicographically close words:
divinite; divinities; divinitus; divinity; divinization; divino; divinum; divis; divisibility; divisible
  1. Different reasons have brought about this transformation of pantheism, which after having divinized the world, now inspires the individual to dream fondly on his annihilation and reabsorption into the unity of things.

  2. In the Roman sacra gentilicia it was rather the divinized ancestors who were the guests--they were entertained by the living.

  3. He seems to have been an embodiment of the lower rustic pleasures, a local god, probably not a divinized goat.

  4. On these and certain minor divinized conceptions of time see Spiegel, op.

  5. Such an one, entering the other world, might become its lord, and in process of time be divinized and made the son of the creator sun.

  6. Among the simple clan gods divinized men should be included.

  7. Nevertheless the cult of the divinized king was practiced seriously.

  8. Thy soul is divinized in Heaven, to make all the transformations it desireth.

  9. Thy soul is divinized in the Hall of Seb.

  10. Thou art divinized with the souls of the gods.

  11. He is favored among the faithful,(681) (and) divinized among the perfected.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divinized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.