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Example sentences for "each succeeding"

  • Now and then, however, comes to light a piece that has stood the wear of more than a century, showing the touch of a higher craftsmanship, and with colours softened by each succeeding year.

  • As this diagonal movement is reversed in each succeeding row, the surface has an uneven appearance sometimes termed "herring bone" weave.

  • We thus see that the cotyledons became more widely open at noon on each succeeding day; and that they rose considerably each night, though not acquiring a vertical position, except during the first two nights.

  • It is circumscribed by its proper walls only dorsally and laterally; its floor being formed in the case of the front ureter by the Wolffian duct, and in the case of each succeeding ureter by the dorsal wall of the ureter in front.

  • Each succeeding pair of arches becomes larger than the one in front, and the two elements of each arch first nearly meet below the caudal vein (Plate 41, fig.

  • There are then a pair of these in front of the mandibular arch, a pair in the mandibular arch, and a pair in each succeeding arch.

  • Each succeeding pair of haemal arches becomes larger than the one in front, each arch finally meeting its fellow below the caudal vein, thus forming a completely closed haemal canal.

  • In this way crystallized experience was transmitted, gathering effectiveness and volume in each succeeding generation.

  • Without it, each succeeding age, instead of standing on the platform which had been raised by that which preceded it, would have the weary task of commencing afresh, and could thus make few accessions to knowledge.

  • Names and Relationship of each succeeding Sovereign.

  • Sígiri Kasumbu or Kásyapa 1st, son--committed suicide Sigiri Galla Neuera 477 Names and Relationship of each succeeding Sovereign.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each succeeding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    each arrondissement; each barrel; each bird; each carrying; each cell; each child; each copy; each corps; each cupful; each family; each great; each half; each having; each hour; each kind; each letter; each line; each meeting; each soldier; each square; each succeeding; each suit; each thing; each verse; each wing; modern culture